My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 09:54 @carpeetdiem Never heard the mussel thing before; we do have the "bearded clam", though. #
  • 10:12 So I guess my avatar isn’t just going to fix itself . . . had my fingers crossed it would. #
  • 14:09 Mmmmm . . . my rolled-up sweats are still damp with saltwater from trudging through it at the beach yesterday. Feels nice around my calves. #
  • 14:24 RT @BloodyTrixie Bitch Magazine on Tampax’s new viral transgender marketing campaign: #
  • 17:46 Working on my site redesign & havin g my period + mildly pleasant cramps. Going to take a pill to keep them that way. #
  • 17:56 @man_onthe_moon Nah — it’s good! We’re having an awesome day & my period feels pleasant right now. It’s not a bad thing. #
  • 20:42 I just realized NiteFlirt is undergoing some kind of serious "improvements". Sigh. Trying to catch up on the bullshit. #
  • 00:07 In the past couple of days I’ve drafted and/or outlined a couple of things that would be cool if I actually wrote them. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

From Twitter 09-18-2009

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  • 09:54:28: @carpeetdiem Never heard the mussel thing before; we do have the “bearded clam”, though.
  • 10:12:10: So I guess my avatar isn’t just going to fix itself . . . had my fingers crossed it would.
  • 14:09:56: Mmmmm . . . my rolled-up sweats are still damp with saltwater from trudging through it at the beach yesterday. Feels nice around my calves.
  • 14:24:57: RT @BloodyTrixie Bitch Magazine on Tampax’s new viral transgender marketing campaign:
  • 17:46:52: Working on my site redesign & having my period + mildly pleasant cramps. Going to take a pill to keep them that way.
  • 17:56:09: @man_onthe_moon Nah — it’s good! We’re having an awesome day & my period feels pleasant right now. It’s not a bad thing.
  • 20:42:32: I just realized NiteFlirt is undergoing some kind of serious “improvements”. Sigh. Trying to catch up on the bullshit.

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