• 00:07:48: In the past couple of days I’ve drafted and/or outlined a couple of things that would be cool if I actually wrote them.
  • 09:47:01: Too much dreaming, not enough SLEEP.
  • 09:49:37: @ericofthedead Well, I’m having my period which can make for an unsettled night but I’m GUESSING that’s not what’s causing your dreams. 😉
  • 09:50:20: Also: we are out of kleenex and creamer. Time to start blowing my nose into dirty panties & having @DeliaTS jerk off into my tea?
  • 11:04:44: Been trying to make Saturday our housecleaning day; haven’t been consistent, but today we’re going to try. Toilet, here I come . . . (retch)
  • 11:30:12: If I looked cute and “put-together” all the time I might understand why I have clothes strewn around everywhere. But I always look sloppy!
  • 16:40:11: It’s almost grotesque what a good mood I’m in today. Calm, happy, thankful, optimistic, present . . . it’s fucking wacky!
  • 16:40:23: RT @BloodyTrixie I just interrupted lunch to shoot some pictures of a big filet of uterus posed next to/outsizing a quarter.
  • 18:11:10: @man_onthe_moon We never really “go out”. Also, not sure if you know we are 3 hours away from Seattle. Saturday night = work & Star Trek.
  • 22:26:56: Unpacking our clothes from the cabin trip. Fondling all our pretty things. I should spend more time loving all my dainties.
  • 23:52:49: I have no idea HOW google toolbar updated and began doing these annoying things to me, but I want it to stop.

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