- 10:10 Yay! Woke up to a bunch of helpful / good / interesting emails! #
- 11:55 SO HAPPY! Delia’s new site is now totally approved to accept members: deliats.com (also added sugar daddy membership plans). #
- 15:09 I just made the LAST post to my old blog: www.tastytrixie.com/blog/ From now on? It’s all at tastytrixie.com FUCK YEAH!!!! #
- 16:51 Posted a new entry, "Dream Inspired Sex & Delia’s New Site" on my NEW BLOG / revised site: tastytrixie.com #
- 17:46 Must. Get out. Of HOUSE!! Be back later, refreshed and freshly plumped. #
- 21:25 You guys have no idea what a trooper @amberlily is. She is the ultimate positive attitude, put-on-a-happy-face webwhore (w/out being fake). #
- 21:35 We’re now going to watch the newly dramatized Grey Gardens with Drew Barrymore’s version of Little Edie. Will Ifall in love with her again? #
- 23:51 @Mia Oh, you delicious little flatterer!! Totally needed the tweety-hugs tonight, so thanks! Good to hear from you w/your design skills! #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
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