- 14:52 twitpic.com/lf593 – Now that my hair is soft & wavy, I’m back at the taxes. #
- 14:54 Huh. Why are all of my twitpics saying they have only been viewed once each? Bizarre. #
- 19:14 Had a lovely dinner laughing over Gossip Girl then took a beautiful walk in the woods as it fell dark. #
- 19:16 My poor wanker has constructed a very detail-oriented dodecahedron-reliant financial fuckery game, but alas: I’m too busy with taxes to play #
- 23:16 I think I really deserve a brownie or something after I finish these taxes. Okay, YES, I did waste some time playing a game, but still . #
- 01:06 Since almost all our checks come to me, @DeliaTS made barely any money on paper so I claimed her as a dependent. Fucking wacky, eh?!? #
- 01:08 Seriously, I had to erase shit a bunch of times after discovering I qualify as "head of household". So bizarre since *I* depend on HER. #
- 01:42 Speaking of wacky, I am hyped up and singing barber shop quarter type of songs: Ida, K-K-K-Katy, By the Light of the Silvery Moon, etc. #
- 01:43 Make that barber shop QUARTET, not quarter. I also use my mouth to make the tap-dancing sounds in Silvery Moon, FYI. #
- 01:44 Yeah, YOU TOO could be listening to/watching this crazy shit on our spycams. No fucking, just brownies & barber shop quartet sung solo. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter