- 09:14 Don’t ever get a dog if you like sleeping soundly for 7 or more hours straight. #
- 10:04 When smaller cocks and toys are better (with a nude pic of me): www.tastytrixie.com/body-parts/smaller-better-pic/ #
- 10:56 My first LOL of the day: (a short feminist art vs. porn quote) is.gd/5lZcE (aside:tempted to make 1st LOL of the day a tradition) #
- 11:27 Editing cute old-fashioned wintery pics for my update tomorrow, but I *hope* to go back to bed as soon as @DeliaTS & the dog get up. #
- 12:01 It started snow ing and doesn’t look like it will stop. We should probably go stock up at the store. I’d like to order a pizza, though (too?) #
- 13:18 Stopped snowing. Went to the story anyway where a differently-abled man was attracted to my puffy red coat & poked my boob with his finger. #
- 13:45 Oops: previous tweet should read "went to the STORE anyway" not "went to the STORY". I guess I have stories on the brain. #
- 13:56 Listening to dykes singing beautiful music when you have PMS is a great fucking recipe for shivery, exquisite, emotional ECSTASY!! #
- 14:11 Best Melissa Etheridge song, as far as I know (my fave, at least): www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVlzrvRYCh0 #
- 14:21 Chilling cover of "Say, Say, Say" by another of my fave lesbian voices (Rose Polenzani) & friends: is.gd/5m7Io #
- 19:25 My SOY WebWhoreHQ cam will be down while capturing video, but still up on HouseCamz & Rude. #
- 22:26 Didn’t even get close to finishing editing that video. Sometimes it’s just too painful to watch myself . . . #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter