- 13:27 Just got back from a social event. Brain overloaded now. #
- 14:34 Sometimes I forget that just because lots of people can play piano better than I do, most people don’t play at all or do but not as much. #
- 17:39 We’re catching up on Dollhouse and I think @DeliaTS just posted some new Christmas pics for members: deliats.com/members #
- 17:48 I’m in the middle of a bunch of books that aren’t DOING it for me. Luckily, found _Sexing the Cherry_ in free box & that’s awesome so far. #
- 17:55 Sad I’ve only finished reading about 35 books this year. And so many of them were c rap compared to the good ones. #
- 21:04 My fave books this year (thanks to @sissydollyanne for asking): tastytrixie.com/books/the-books-i-loved-best-in-2009/ #
- 00:04 I guess I kind of like taking baths before bed. Rarely happens, but it’s kind of special. Now it’s LOTION TIME! #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter