- 11:37 Merry Christmas! #
- 12:12 Reading @DeliaTS Christmas Morning blog entry (partly or largely about being trans & in recovery this year): deliats.com/blog/?p=314 #
- 13:05 LOLing at this: RT @heathercorinna: @tastytrixie You don’t like monkeys? That’s it: we can’t be friends anymore! #
- 16:00 7 Christmases with @DeliaTS and Santa on a motorcycle: www.tastytrixie.com/food/christmas-divinity-pics/ #
- 19:29 Just got home from seeing Sherlock Holmes. Lots of gloves and moments that looked like the cov ers of good books. #
- 19:30 @Mia Oh, you! Someday I want to give you big real life hugs. In the meantime, Merry {{{Christmas hugs}}} from afar. Mwah! #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter