- 12:16 Just woke up. My computer seems to have a giant load of shit in its pants. And speaking of shit . . . #
- 12:27 Wow, that was girthy. Almost had to pull my asscheeks apart to get that fatty out. #
- 12:32 Sigh. Just found out writer & teacher I love has breast cancer & needs immediate aggressive treatment. #
- 14:36 Just got off phone with little sister talking about how insane and bipolar-y our mom is. #
- 15:56 It would be so cool if there were widget software like protopage that was only on my computer, not web-hosted. #
- 16:12 Yay!! I called one of my fave dykes and sorta asked her to be my sponsor and she totally said yes, let’s try it out. I’m happy. #
- 18:07 Bath didn’t get rid of looming headache (I know, heat’s not helpful) & desire for coma-lite. Other than that, feeling groovy! #
- 18:31 Why don’t I just get up and step away from the computer since it’s making me feel like near-death behind my eyeballs? Why do I hurt myself? #
- 20:54 Maybe we’ve got a bug in our house; @DeliaTS is achey with a sore throat and I’m headachy with nausea. #
- 00:25 Is there anything more romantic than being mildly under-the-weather in bed with your girlfriend eating chili & watch ing Californication? #
- 00:40 @Mia Awwwww! My kind of romance spread all around the food-stained sheets — I love it. #
- 01:00 It might look like I’m masturbating but actually I’m just scratching myself where the hair’s growing back in all stubbly & itchy. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
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