- 09:03 Totally amazed our power and internet connections stayed up with all that wind during the night. #
- 10:40 OMG — @Mia is too sweet: formspring.me/miavondoom/q/53010695 (blushblushblushblushblush). #
- 10:41 RT @Clintus: Why Conan vs Jay doesn’t matter: By the time they’re talking about it, the web has already put it to bed. bit.ly/8ETBqh #
- 10:45 Enjoyed a lengthy stretch & breaking up of stale chi in our parlor listening to new age music & enjoying blue skies outside picture window. #
- 11:26 Virtual high of the da y: dancing in tiger stripe robe to Jerry Garcia Band while eating banana. YES on cam! Done (for now) though. #
- 11:28 I’m in the mood to shoot some video (fucking, BJ and/or masturbation) but in NO mood to wash my hair or shave. Too much dirty stuff already. #
- 19:19 In the process of uploading the first half of my members-only galleries, writing the text to go with them, and looking forward to dinner. #
- 23:42 Just posted my members-only vlog (and four galleries)and I think it’s a charmer; I pose a lot, amuse myself, and discuss my hemorrhoids. #
- 03:32 Just got off a long phone conversation with our friend Ron. Need a snack and some cuddling now. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter