- 08:19 Any time I wake up before 10 am I feel like . . . like . . . I don’t know. Like it’s really morning, I guess. #
- 09:10 Made a hotel reservation for @DeliaTS and I for tomorrow night; trying to make getting away alone off cam a once a month thing. #
- 09:17 It’s almost hilarious when people steal our most outdated site designs. Still . . . what the fuck is wrong with these thieves?!? #
- 09:20 Oh god — and not just the design, but the text too. Get some ethics, fuckers. #
- 09:33 Cute: RT @ms_bbwliz: Reading fanfic. I hate to even admit it, but I’m reading straight romancefic instead of slash. What’s happening to m e? #
- 09:37 Going to climb back into bed with _Wizard’s First Rule_ until 10 am. Going to try not to fall back to sleep. #
- 11:57 I did wind up completing my shift of sleep and had a bunch of dream orgasms during. #
- 12:29 I need to take a bath in prep for my show at the top of the hour, but fear another poop is inching its way towards realization. #
- 14:05 YUM! My g-spot is THUMPING after that show/those orgasms. Yes, I love hairy pussy but get very excited too watching toys in my shaved twat. #
- 14:33 Sometimes one packet of oatmeal isn’t enough. Other times it’s like HO W can I possibly choke down another bite of this gluemeal? #
- 15:23 Yeah, so those errands I was going to run are totally not going to happen. Plus side: members-only chat with spycams at the top of the hour! #
- 15:57 Members/voyeurs: I’m going to be on the anywhere cam during chat. It’s warmer and sunny in there. #
- 20:21 Nightcap no. 1 = oily anchovy fillets and liquid vitamin D. Such a beautiful combination. #
- 22:02 You can get vit. D in liquid form, @wonderingsub as a supplement, not in milk. Though when I could drink milk I did like it with anchovies. #
- 22:14 I have a tendency to really pork out on webcam show & chat days. It’s the only additional thing I’m able to accomplish. #
- 23:27 Just watched the pilot for Glee . . . we’re so fucking hooked, just like I wanted to be. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter