- 11:22 Listening to (& dancing with) one of my fave bluegrass cd’s, John McEuen’s "String Wizards": johnmceuen.com Beautiful winter morning. #
- 11:42 I have a problem throwing away catalogs, so now doing one of my rare purges since the one storage container I’m allowed is overflowing. #
- 11:47 I mean, shouldn’t I keep this Cabelo’s catalog to remind myself that @DeliaTS wants silk long underwear & they have super cute camo pj’s? #
- 11:48 Congratulations! RT @Toni_KatVixen: Wow, until Torn posted it, I almost forgot….as of today we have been online for 10yrs…. #
- 11:5 9 Oh, "wait" . . . here’s a disc we don’t listen to often . . . "The Best of White Lion". Really mixing it up this morning with strings. #
- 12:53 Going to put on some clothes and get some exercise (on our anywhere cam) and maybe stretching because it makes me feel groovy. #
- 16:20 My new blog post is about "Stardust Piano Hour" tonight! On our spycams! And my piano skills/lack thereof: is.gd/7rw0U #
- 17:25 I know I’ve said this before, but if you ever want a moment of peace or to get a full night of sleep DO NOT GET A FUCKING DOG. #
- 17:30 Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we or der hundreds of feet of cat 5 cable to rig up spycams around the house. #
- 17:41 Members/voyeurs: the thumbnails on our main spycam site are all totally fucking wrong/not updating. You’ll have to click to see what’s on. #
- 18:50 I hope no one will be disappointed that I’m not going to wear a sequined gown to Stardust Piano Hour. Maybe next month . . . #
- 18:52 Aw! RT @JanesGuide: I’m LOVING DeliaTS.com Great stuff, folks, especially if you’re interested in the transition from male- to female #
- 20:09 @I_am_Cliff No one was in chat so I just kept playing until the hour was up. M y fault I didn’t blog about it sooner. Plus grammy conflict. #
- 21:34 Youtube would be such a special place IF NOBODY WERE ALLOWED TO COMMENT. Why does everyone think a fat man dancing in a leotard is funny? FU #
- 21:36 If Joe Jonas got a little looser he’d look a lot like Mick Jagger: www.youtube.com/watch?v=rP-KFnYg6Hw #
- 23:54 Agh yes … I’m more than ready for sleep. It’s going to feel SO good! Also, we just watched first part of orig Postman Always Rings Twice. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter