- 09:38 RT @DeliaTS Just sent out my monthly newsletter with a few sample pics from January updates: deliats.com/Newsletter/Jan10/index.html #
- 09:51 I think this is going to turn into a two-poop morning! Also, am dancing to Madonna on spycams wearing pink fuzzy robe & man-jammas. #
- 10:23 Yeah, @I_am_Cliff – did you see me almost have a bad accident when I tried to dance on top of that footstool thing? Close call, but funny. #
- 10:24 It is now time for some vitamins and cardio. Getting out my big girl bra . . . . #
- 10:30 I might wind up doing this weari ng nothing but my socks, shoes & sports bra . . . we’ll see. Or *you’ll* see, if a member watching our cams. #
- 11:05 Oh no, @I_am_Cliff ! I was hoping no one could see my saggy bottom! #
- 11:23 @I_am_Cliff Ooooh, wood! Wood’s not saggy either. 😉 #
- 13:17 I should be taking a nap, but I need to pay the bills. Maybe by the time I’m done I won’t feel so deliciously heavy and sleepy. #
- 14:56 Wow . . . you know how I called this day a two-poop morning? Make it a THREE POOP DAY! My body moves in mysterious ways . . . #
- 14:58 Go ing to do some reading & jot down some notes on dirty thoughts I had last night. Maybe take a nap if this sleepiness persists. #
- 16:28 Getting a testimonial/long compliment from an 18 year old woman repeatedly referring to us as "older" "older" "OLDER" felt weird. #
- 17:27 @suckthelongjohn Wizard’s First Rule, but put down temporarily for a fishing tale: goodreads.com/trixiefontaine shows my reads. #
- 19:45 It’s a boring blog entry except that it’s got pics of my boob and thong: www.tastytrixie.com/goals/hnt-half-rack-pics/ #
- 20:21 Whichever one of you linked to unhappyhipsters.com THANK YOU. Spot on hilarious shit, that is. #
- 20:26 @jennydemilo Hey! That means *I’m* a hipster! But yeah, the title may be inaccurate but the rest of it is funny! #
- 22:13 You’d be amazed at the huge sense of accomplishment I feel just from charging & changing the batteries in the stereo remote. HUGE. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
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