My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 10:10 Woohoo! That was as close to a night of uninterrupted sleep as I’ve gotten in well over a week! Let the games begin!! #
  • 10:29 Reading @DeliaTS Tranny Awards Recap post: #
  • 11:32 Getting ready for some exercise. Yes, on cam! Sports bra, shoes & socks but no panties! Members go here: #
  • 12:54 LOL @HookerAddict in LA! We blogged about it a little bit; can’t remember where you are/if it was in proximity to you. Sorry you missed it! #
  • 13:13 Some of the emails I’ve gotten last nig ht/today from people who support us have brought tears to my eyes — thanks you guys! Means a lot. #
  • 13:18 Other tearbringers: DocHolly’s post about meeting a truly heroic reporter/person: #
  • 13:19 OMG I have the PMS! I think I’m going to go take a shower & cry like a baby. A baby who can stand up in the shower & wipe her own ass, tho. #
  • 14:00 I’m going to put lotion all over my nude body SOON on our spycams (see TrixiesDesk). Members go here: #
  • 16:05 I think I was wrong in hop ing that sleeping without having to let the dog out was a replacement for getting ENOUGH sleep. #
  • 16:32 AWESOME! The two death fetish "movies" I’ve been in are both in the top 5 of their clip store (out of almost 100). I’m full of surprises. #
  • 19:10 What I’ve been working on the past couple of hours: one pager for camsite we hope to cook up with friends: #
  • 19:19 I need a snack and a brain snooze before I head out to pick up @DeliaTS . . . gonna be a long night; can’t WAIT for her to be back home! #
  • 19:28 Can’t stop tweaking the wording on – I get way too absorbed in those little details. #
  • 02:32 The good news is we’re home. The bad news is that there’s dog poop in our bedroom as a welcome home present. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck it. #
  • 02:55 If there’s anything last week taught us, it’s that this mess tonight could’ve been much worse. I’m so ready for bed. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

From Twitter 03-07-2010

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  • 01:20:31: I *love* masturbating to homemade videos of dudes fucking fake pussies/toys.
  • 01:32:09: Trying to decide if I should go for a fourth orgasm before bed. I better not, though. It would mash my clit into oblivion with magic wand.
  • 01:45:52: Well @docporno – if MY clit adapted like the borg it would morph into an inflatable reticulated latex dong with an ocular implant.
  • 01:46:05: @buddhaman1390 Thanks! That’s nice to hear.
  • 01:47:22: All I want to do is masturbate at the computer and eat in bed. That’s what stress does to me. I mean it makes me want those even more.
  • 01:53:00: I don’t know what I was thinking, taking a cycle off the pill. It makes me violent and every so hungry for white white carbs all night long.
  • 01:53:17: Make that EVER so hungry. More than every so often.
  • 01:55:37: Point of clarification: I am NOT watching the overdone barforama music video of a fashion show ’98 version of Great Expectations.
  • 11:10:28: Woohoo! That was as close to a night of uninterrupted sleep as I’ve gotten in well over a week! Let the games begin!!
  • 11:29:33: Reading @DeliaTS Tranny Awards Recap post:
  • 12:32:20: Getting ready for some exercise. Yes, on cam! Sports bra, shoes & socks but no panties! Members go here:
  • 13:54:05: LOL @HookerAddict in LA! We blogged about it a little bit; can’t remember where you are/if it was in proximity to you. Sorry you missed it!
  • 14:13:35: Some of the emails I’ve gotten last night/today from people who support us have brought tears to my eyes — thanks you guys! Means a lot.
  • 14:18:26: Other tearbringers: DocHolly’s post about meeting a truly heroic reporter/person:
  • 14:19:24: OMG I have the PMS! I think I’m going to go take a shower & cry like a baby. A baby who can stand up in the shower & wipe her own ass, tho.
  • 15:00:04: I’m going to put lotion all over my nude body SOON on our spycams (see TrixiesDesk). Members go here:
  • 17:05:41: I think I was wrong in hoping that sleeping without having to let the dog out was a replacement for getting ENOUGH sleep.
  • 17:32:50: AWESOME! The two death fetish “movies” I’ve been in are both in the top 5 of their clip store (out of almost 100). I’m full of surprises.
  • 20:10:46: What I’ve been working on the past couple of hours: one pager for camsite we hope to cook up with friends:
  • 20:19:00: I need a snack and a brain snooze before I head out to pick up @DeliaTS . . . gonna be a long night; can’t WAIT for her to be back home!
  • 20:28:18: Can’t stop tweaking the wording on – I get way too absorbed in those little details.

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