- 09:48 If I take in a laptop to be fixed and disclose in advance "yes, there’s a vid of someone being fucked by a horse" that they won’t report me? #
- 09:51 Also, being that it’s morning I’m beginning to think about that future "boom boom" LOL if you know what I mean. Pow! Not so distant future. #
- 12:09 Americans do not like people who start things but never finish them. That is why I am a man without a country. #
- 12:50 My GF @DeliaTS is taking me and the dog for a walk to burn off some of our nervous energy. #
- 15:22 Watching The Tudors and eating some chili for lunch. #
- 16:07 Lately I’ve been totally wiped out post-lunch, unable to think, barely keeping my eyes open. I hope once my period starts that will be over. #
- 17:27 My face is on FIRE . . . I don’t know why I feel so feverish. It’s really weird. Like I have a sunburn sort of but that’s not possible. #
- 18:03 I think The Tudors is inspiring me to fantasize about having a set of leather pajamas. Not that they wore leather PJ’s, but LEATHER! In BED! #
- 18:11 FUCKED UP: RT @BradSabbath: chatroulettemap.com grabs the IP addresses of users, a screenshot, and pinpoints them on the map. #
- 19:00 Just got out of the shower which means lotion time is coming soon . . . #
- 19:13 @SequoiaRedd Yeah, we have to thank @AmberLily for turning us on to it. There is no greater eye candy available via television. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter