- 12:56 Dreamt I had a bunch of hot photo sets of myself I forgot about & re-discovered ready to edit & share with members. I WISH!! #
- 13:03 @maylingsu Ah, yeah — I post up all of my pics even if I don’t like them at the time (& usually do come around); these were like FORGOTTEN. #
- 13:10 A very leggy & bright & hot photo preview and cool post from my GF, @DeliaTS : deliats.com/blog/?p=555 #
- 13:23 Not looking forward to doing the bills today when already depressed over really nastily low sales day yesterday. #
- 20:11 Getting ready to shoot pics of @DeliaTS in a bodystocking followed by some very interesting shorty panties with a special customization. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter