- 10:34 Trying to stay awake long enough to go to the Dr. to try to get anti-anxiety meds for the plane. And the car. And when I do the bills and… #
- 10:36 I’ll try to post a couple more pics from my Glasses & Grey Stockings gallery later, but for now, here’s a peek: is.gd/cP51I #
- 11:48 Sweeeeet relief. Will have some Ativan in my back pocket now. And some Ambien which I doubt I’ll ever use. #
- 11:56 Now going to go get some group therapy type of stuff to approach being mental from the non-Rx direction. #
- 13:15 @heathercorinna r e: earlier Q: no, in my teens & twenties I never qualified myself as a "young" feminist. NEVER. Feminist PERIOD. #
- 13:30 Hungry & sleepy, but in a good way because I know I can take care of both of those issues. It’s a beautiful feeling to have options! #
- 18:52 @philgs I definitely exhibit caged chimpanzee behaviors when on plane! @DeliaTS tries to keep my hairy arms from REACHING the stewardesses. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter