• 07:19 Getting ready for surgery, @DeliaTS IV. twitpic.com/1xtii0 #
  • 08:15 I guess I’m a dumbass for not bringing my laptop to the hospital to use while @DeliaTS is in surgery. I do have books, though! #
  • 09:41 So tired. I laid down on the floor of the chapel, fell asleep & awoke to the sound of a woman either crying or praying in another language. #
  • 17:02 Thanks so much for the well-wishes, folks! @DeliaTS is doing great, the boobs are just right & we’re sleepy. 🙂 All is 2010 magical! #
  • 17:03 Note: the surgery was quick and uneventful, was just slacking on the twe ets. Now? Calling the good man who made it happen. #
  • 18:42 Less fun note: with global neighborhoods like facebook it’s impossible not to notice how so many are buddies with guys who’ve sex crimed U! #
  • 18:42 Seriously: can’t believe people I grew up with who apparently don’t know or don’t BELIEVE or don’t care what someone who molested me did. #
  • 18:45 Interesting phenom, especially after reading the new NOT GOOD ENOUGH CA law disallowing sex offenders from living 1/2 mile from victims. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter