- 09:35 Ugh. Barely after 9 am and some shithole in the neighborhood has a loud saw or weedwhacker or something running. Go to hell, fucker. #
- 09:39 Here’s my Wizard’s 1st Rule "review": @KylieCallMe goodreads.com/review/show/85941731 I was disappointed in the TV show, though. #
- 11:18 I totally have a half-nekkid Thursday post but wordpress is being a scabby pus-hole and not letting me take it out of "scheduled" mode. #
- 11:56 Okey dokey: these pics of me in grey stockings & glasses might be SLIGHTLY more than HALF naked, but they’ll have to do: is.gd/d2oEJ #
- 12:05 Building promos (fiddling with pics & writing text) for @DeliaTS site always gets me worked up so I’m going to have a quickie with vibe. #
- 12:08 Note: this masturbation session will not be very exciting to spy on. Probably won’t last long & you might not know what I’m doing. #
- 12:14 Okay, back to work (told you it was going to be fast). Not in bed @badboynum1 – at my desk as usual watching j/o vid on computer. #
- 13:47 I’m spending waaaaaay too much time building these promos. Need lunch. Need cardio. Need STRETCHING. Need to quicken my pace. #
- 15:58 Just got home from a wal k on the beach. Totally awesome except for being flummoxed by why we don’t do that EVERY DAY. #
- 18:55 Thanks for the sweet, spexy feedback, @adorableaudrey @prattdanny and @avflox ! #
- 22:31 Just took a bath in colloidal oatmeal, oiled my face & am about to lotion up. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter