- 12:14 Dear sweet JESUS, let me stay away from computers at least one day a week . . . this should be the day but you know how it goes. #
- 12:35 Oh, sweet bliss . . . my anus is twitching. It’s that most splendid time of the day. #
- 13:58 Shit . . . I totally spelled "lavender" wrong on my last gallery. I’m guessing the finger touching my butthole made up for it, though. #
- 14:05 You can preview our latest updates here: trixieandfriends.com (check @DeliaTS open-bottom panties & bullet bra: is.gd/dnchg ) #
- 14:11 @DiamondJames OMG I love it — you’re going to get all of us redhead lovers wishing you’d stayed a ginger, though! #
- 14:49 Apparently I’m incapable of relaxing in the house unless I’m in bed, covered with foodstuffs, eating my time away. #
- 15:27 4 of 5 stars to Young Men in Spats by P.G. Wodehouse bit.ly/99AZ9b #
- 15:56 Sometimes I am so glad I’m not super smart. It must be such a strange bore and/or too frustrating for words. #
- 19:40 Grrr! Wanted to punch drivers at 4 way stop who totally drove through / ignored / almost hit poor little chubby girl trying to cross street. #
- 19:44 As a porno-photographer, I look at some authors’ head shots & promo photos and just cringe recognizing the earnest amateurity of them. #
- 22:58 It’s very difficult for me to restrain my own arousal when giving gents explicit instruction in how to stimulate their penises to climax. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter