- 11:29:58: Just read something by @rollertrain that has me clutching my neck & chest (pain in there) with recognition, relief, heartsickness, etc.
- 12:47:46: I smell like spunk & salt-cured meats. Like musky cunt hair and prosciutto splashed with sweaty vinegar.
- 13:38:19: The process of downloading, duplicating & backing up photo files is not sexy or intrinsically fulfilling to me. Just time-consuming boredom.
- 13:39:25: @SequoiaRedd SCARY!! Yeesh — I hope you find out what it is fast & get treatment & full recovery ASAP.
- 14:29:38: My mind continues to be boggled by women who describe having PMS-like symptoms when they are HAVING their period & should be relieved. What?
- 15:55:49: Getting ready to do some bouncy-bouncy exercise. Members go here if you want to spy: http://tinyurl.com/spyonus
- 16:00:17: I keep picking a tiny zit-scab on my face hoping it will make way for a big fat plug of yellow grease to emerge for me to pull out slowly.
- 16:32:26: My exercising only lasted about 20 minutes before I crapped out. Blaming it on the overwarm weather.
- 16:42:21: I have to stop feeling like a failure when minor internet celebs and/or people I like stop following me. My feed is my FEED. No compromises.
- 16:50:32: Catching up with @adorableaudrey ‘s tweets that I’ve missed out on. Sigh. I am so out of touch with people I adore. LIFE, you know?
- 17:13:25: I would love to take a shower now but there’s a stubborn clod of poop I’m hoping to move out of my bunghole area first.
- 20:10:51: GodDAMN the neighbor’s all-hours-of-daylight construction project. Hammering at sundown on a Sunday is just shithole intrusive.
- 20:11:50: I would start blasting a really loud porno with the windows open, speakers aimed at him 4 revenge but I do not want to hear that now either.
- 23:21:50: I gave a big chunk of today over to self-love in the forms of reading, exercise, masturbation, self-massage, weird dancing & a nap.
- 23:56:25: 3 of 5 stars to The Lady Who Liked Clean Restrooms by J.P. Donleavy http://bit.ly/9oiFSJ
- 23:58:33: 3 of 5 stars to The Lady Who Liked Clean Restrooms by J.P. Donleavy http://bit.ly/cqVNSX
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