- 00:10:51: Reading some ignorant biased shit on an adult industry board about genital warts. Oh SURPRISE/duh! AIM testing doesn’t help you there!
- 09:54:09: Last night we made beautiful, sweet love with the super-bright moon streaming blue light onto us in bed. Window open; could neighbor’s hear?
- 11:41:18: Okay, I’ve had enough for the day of being an asshole on GFY. Time to move on to more positive endeavors.
- 22:46:14: Really glad to be home but SO HAPPY we got to see our nephews after months of not & before they leave on a longish trip.
- 23:29:54: Listening to a camgirl explaining with disbelief/irritation that it’s not her CLIT that is pierced, it’s the hood.
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