From Twitter 08-30-2010

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From Twitter 08-29-2010

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  • 00:00:14: Didn’t quite get that blog entry finished and postable. Tomorrow, along with a lot of other stuff!
  • 09:04:46: Steeping my last bag of Christmas Morning black tea blend. I suppose if Halloween candy is already out, Christmas teas are coming soon?
  • 09:53:07: Oh my grack . . . why do I feel like I have the puking sickness coming on? In the cold, quivering, nauseated-but-hope-it-will-pass phase.
  • 10:20:25: Engaged in the tedium that is updating credit card info on recurring, necessary work charges (domains, hosting, scripts, etc.).
  • 11:14:36: Blog entry about getting ready for mornings at the cabin & wanting to deserve it:
  • 14:03:00: Dear spell-check: I’m pretty sure my name is “Trixie” not “Trioxide”.
  • 14:33:18: Little preview of @DeliaTS in shiny silver leggings & starry purple tank top:
  • 15:01:20: I am way way late responding to an email from @AmberLily so doing that now while tomorrow’s photo set of 211(!) beach pics uploads.
  • 17:13:34: This town needs to do something about there being WAY too many deer. Their ribs are showing they’re so scrawny.
  • 18:55:58: I have some period cramps going on right now. Very mild cramps like these are actually a pleasantly alive feeling for me.
  • 21:42:40: Editing long fingernail fetish handjob video so can encode while packing. I am slow at editing though. Getting late.

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From Twitter 08-28-2010

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  • 11:25:56: Going to do some cardio before taking a shower before doing my webcam show. Would like to keep working on pic editing/gallery building tho.
  • 13:09:47: Oh man — I have PMS and doing an hour long group show when NOBODY is saying anything in chat is like TORTURE. Hope I get some chattier ppl
  • 13:21:03: I’m about to kick every single person out of my chatroom/show who hasn’t said one single word hello or of appreciation.
  • 13:21:31: This is a free show — if they were paying, I’d feel differently but there should be some give and take of some sort.
  • 13:32:30: A plugin from another site for members & that site @VivianDaSilva – it’s the people who are from THAT site, not mine, saying nada.
  • 13:37:27: It is times like this that I miss doing shows on the once-bigger cam network & being insulted by hundreds! That wasn’t boring at least!
  • 14:07:54: Hmmmm . . . looks like maybe the format/rules of access on that site for who can chat vs. watch have changed & they COULDN’T say anything.
  • 15:33:43: It’s amazing how improved I feel by standing outside staring at a single plant while the sun warms the back of my neck.
  • 21:49:34: Yes, I did add many splatters of chicken taco juices to my collection of spaghetti sauce stains on my shirt front. What of it?

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From Twitter 08-27-2010

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  • 09:21:22: Our man cam & storage computer is resisting my attempts to download photos.
  • 09:21:39: Oops . . . that should be MAIN cam, not MAN cam. Ha!
  • 10:20:43: RT @Kaibutsu: WTF, Mississippi – are you fucking KIDDING me?
  • 10:24:43: Fucking sonofabitching printers. The bane of the lower middle class home office.
  • 11:38:26: Wearing even the most forbidding scowl on my face doesn’t keep these happy-town motherfuckers from trying to chit chat with me.
  • 14:41:38: God, don’t leave me alone with a stove and work to do with nobody to feed me because I will burn the shit out of everything.
  • 14:55:45: RT @spyonus: Goddamn fucking cable went down during @DeliaTS show. Trying to see if resetting modem & router will bring it back.
  • 16:53:16: I’m getting aroused looking at pictures of myself with @DeliaTS cock in my mouth. I look like a dumpy slob, but still…COCK! IN MY MOUTH!!
  • 16:54:26: Now that @DeliaTS free show is over she’s been keeping busy doing pay-to-play shows:
  • 18:50:04: I’ve got a show in just over an hour. Other than that I’ve been doggedly focused on trying to get a month’s worth of updates ready ahead.
  • 21:25:09: I’m about to log in for a QUICK session of pay-to-play since I didn’t get enough masturbation in my show:
  • 21:25:15: Oops, I posted that a little late
  • 21:25:36: might be about to log out after that hot piss show. Twas fantasy, as I’m not prepped in this room for pee shows.
  • 21:42:08: Logged out. That show was mucho fun (for me, anyway); I like going out on the right note. “tssss…pissing on your cock tsss on your face..”

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From Twitter 08-26-2010

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  • 08:37:31: Yay!!! Cabin is ours starting September 2nd. Woke up at 7 am today to get in the groove of going to cabin-work in the morning.
  • 08:39:10: Also: I totally overreacted yesterday/took mere curiosity as judgment. But thanks for the hugs @LadyErisiana {{{hugs back}}}
  • 08:49:22: Listening to & loving “an Ambient Rodeo from the Mythic West” on HEARTS OF SPACE, PGM. 0496 SLIM WESTERNS
  • 10:07:28: Best part of my Half Naked Thursday post is the closeup of my muff and long fingernails:
  • 10:35:45: So my body and brain are now telling me that 6.5 hours of sleep wasn’t quite enough. Might have to crawl back into bed for a nap.
  • 20:46:26: Doing some @DeliaTS shoots, wishing we had a golden LA Glo brand dress from the eighties to fit her.
  • 21:07:11: Sometimes I can’t believe I have a job that requires me to iron clothes. This is not my beautiful house! Or is it?

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From Twitter 08-25-2010

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  • 11:03:55: We’ve got 4 webcam shows plus members-only chat scheduled Friday & Saturday:
  • 12:12:55: Editing flashing-on-the-beach pics, listening to HEARTS OF SPACE, PGM. 0498 VERNAL EQUINOX
  • 15:43:21: Ugh. Sometimes the people you think will have no problem with your porn career are the people you wish you never fucking told.
  • 15:44:56: I think people are comfortable with me only to discover all along they’ve harbored suspicions, mistrust and stereotypes of me & my porn.
  • 15:55:12: Aaaaand with that, what I was celebrating and excited about has become totally fucking tainted with shame, disappointment, fear and yuck.
  • 16:03:47: OK, all done crying, hurt feelings put aside. Thank you so much for that hug of a tweet, @joepennant ! It was a very good thing to hear.

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From Twitter 08-24-2010

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  • 09:04:10: I couldn’t fall asleep last night so I woke up @DeliaTS for sex. Fortunately she was amenable to my wordless proposition.
  • 11:01:00: Other than the diarrhea and sleep deprivation, I feel GREAT this morning! Soft urgent poops could interfere w/outdoor shooting plans though.
  • 13:05:56: Reading about a semi-distant relative who apparently killed somebody and assaulted someone at his trial. Violent loose cannon in my blood.
  • 16:45:15: Just got back from shooting outside; I think I have a sunburn! No worries, @SammyTyler – my bowels totally behaved (solo, not hardcore)!
  • 23:29:40: We just stretched for half an hour — my body really needed that.

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From Twitter 08-23-2010

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  • 08:03:01: Haven’t gotten enough sleep but dreaming of driving over body parts, being in shootouts, etc. all night just ISN’T restful.
  • 08:37:07: One good thing about rising too soon is that I managed to post up a new set of pics and vlog for members EARLY instead of at night!
  • 08:54:28: RT @tikitender: An interesting take on the WTC mosque:a Christian was behind the OKC bombings. Was it wrong to build a church near the site?
  • 15:07:13: Sad sad SADnews: RT @swopusa: $pread Magazine will survive until the end of the year, and then R.I.P.:
  • 18:50:29: I swore I’d never go to the filthy cheap nail salon in town again but I did. And I regret it terribly. SO GROSS.
  • 19:11:43: My girlfriend is super hot (her voice doesn’t really sound like that though):
  • 20:39:56: I totally want @DeliaTS to quit camming so we can eat dinner and finish watching that Star Trek episode guest starring George Castanza.
  • 23:39:46: The 80’s were fucking awesome & fetish-filled; just watched this Hitchhiker ep: you can totally see Showgirls ROOTS!

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From Twitter 08-22-2010

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  • 00:41:28: I can’t wait for @DeliaTS to finish her members-only update so we can crawl into bed together with snackydoodles!
  • 02:32:21: FYI: the saying is “naked as a jaybird”, not “naked as a JAILbird”.
  • 13:35:08: Good morning! I’m enjoying editing my hairpie photos, listening to and feeling a big poop coming on.
  • 13:41:52: Tomorrow we’re scheduled to go look at the cabin’s insides. I’m excited to get more visuals for fantasy planning (assuming we’ll like it).
  • 13:47:17: I love how much blonde is in my muff in these pictures. On some of the closeups you can practically smell my dirty blonde bush!
  • 14:04:53: I *thought* I was photoshopping an old/fading zit off the inward curve of my asscheek but now I wonder if it’s one of my big freckles. Hmm.
  • 16:49:06: Super happy with how productive I’m being today & the priorities/plans I’m making. Going to get some exercise now; yes on cam!
  • 17:33:16: I wish all webmasters made promos this nice: – it’s basic, but good & hot!
  • 17:37:04: If you like smart, wicked camgirls who smoke check out our friend Mina:
  • 20:48:31: Listening to super trippy goth belly dance kind of music on HEARTS OF SPACE, PGM. 0499 SEVEN VEILS

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From Twitter 08-21-2010

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