- 08:43:06: Me, flashing my boobs, upskirt shots & feet on the beach: http://trixieandfriends.com/2010/08/pink-beach-tube-dress-gallery/
- 13:43:00: The weather in the San Juans is PERFECT! And even if it weren’t, it still would be.
- 14:57:14: Glad old dude eyeballing my tits took sting off art gallery cunt humiliating me for taking a pic of something I liked to remember artistname
- 16:52:44: Poor @DeliaTS dropped her purse in the toilet so now we’re going to have some fast asian basil beef.
- 17:00:02: Look! I’m a ferry boat cap’n! http://twitpic.com/2jsrof
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