- 09:43:17: We’ve got webcam shows today/tonight for our members! Mine’s at 8 (pacific time, 11 eastern) and @DeliaTS is at 2 pacific/5 eastern.
- 10:07:52: I’m #reading Darling Jim by Christian Moerk http://bit.ly/9Csyux
- 10:46:56: Getting ready for some bottomless cardio in the parlor, voyeurs.
- 11:00:41: I’m so glad the vacuum deciding to shit all over the floor after I thought I was done using it & could move onto exercise endeavors.
- 11:55:55: Are any of my tweet friends into the enneagram?
- 12:38:50: Preview pics from my Waterfall Nudie Gallery: http://trixieandfriends.com/2010/08/waterfall-nudie-gallery
- 13:50:26: Blargh. Doing an already uncreative/boring/long IMPORTANT promo project & running across old broken stuff, needs for OTHER updates, etc.
- 19:32:23: Grr! Someone told @DeliaTS that “smart women have small boobs” & she let a plastic surgeon “decide for her”. http://deliats.cammodels.com
- 19:46:12: Going to take a little ten minute break before my webcam show. Members go here & watch top ‘o hour: http://tastytrixie.com/members/RUDE.html
- 21:19:21: Had an awesome orgasm during my show. Punctuated, unfortunately, by one of those headaches. Didn’t blow up into blindness, though.
- 22:17:31: Yes, I complained, but I *did* enjoy most of my work today. Now having trippy migraine visual disturbances..
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