From Twitter 08-20-2010

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  • 11:35:55: Tis better to have yesterday’s poop today than to have yesterday’s poop tomorrow. I hope I can add today’s poop to today, too. Catch up.
  • 11:36:20: Yay! RT @minasmusings: HOLY CRAP JOE IS CANCER-FREE!! Woohoo! Not fully over yet, will still need surgery on the leg, but the worst is OVER!
  • 12:50:22: NIGHTMARE. Have to close my main credit card because of fraud on a big camsite. First time happened to me since year 2000.
  • 15:02:15: Tip: don’t log into a camsite as a customer after taking ambien. Pleasant, but potentially confusing and expensive.
  • 16:34:44: Added a thank you message to my I-wanna-be-a-shed-girl post:
  • 16:37:27: Without the cats, @EvilGrins ! Actually we have a local shed-life sub-culture in our town, too. This space is a bit better than shed though.
  • 16:42:45: Yes, but sheds do not HAVE to be rickety, @EvilGrins . Many of them are, but other sheds aspire to greater, sturdier shedness.
  • 18:50:19: Getting ready to shoot some photos and video now that @DeliaTS is done (for now) with camming.
  • 18:52:54: Unfortunate is my swollen zit chin and bloody razor burn, though.
  • 20:35:38: I love the pics @DeliaTS just shot of me. Same damned blue velvet bg & red pumps, but a couple of different/new fetish elements, too.
  • 21:06:34: I *hate* having long nails & taking care of them, but my fingers look really pretty; worth it for that hot handjob video we just shot!
  • 22:37:33: I don’t know how @DeliaTS does it; she did camshows for hours, set up everything for shoots, SHOT me (WITH me, even), now making dinner!
  • 23:30:40: I love knowing that once I work five hours tomorrow I can pat myself on the back for putting in forty this week AND taking care of myself.

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From Twitter 08-19-2010

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  • 00:14:01: Rough draft of ad for houseboy/housegirl/submissive yard-worker/personal chef or whatever complete.
  • 01:03:13: That is so nice to hear, @reptilegrrl – I am wearing a 360 degree smile! I just read it again because you said that & LOL’d/felt thankful.
  • 01:16:45: My brain keeps whispering uninvited, super-stupid aphorisms, like “cancer is a state of mind”.
  • 11:11:47: Attempting to take the day off. Except I might get a pedicure and/or manicure which is TOTALLY work in my book.
  • 12:29:24: Oh, Jeff Buckley – you will raise the hair on my arms forever. Listening to “Lover, You Should Have Come Over” right now.
  • 21:45:00: LOVED Despicable Me – so glad we saw it on the big screen.
  • 21:46:34: No, @SeXXXcapades — sad to say we didn’t see it in 3D; did you? Was it fabulous?
  • 22:17:16: Got my wicked fingernails painted to shoot some long NATURAL nail fetish stuff tomorrow (amongst other things).
  • 23:26:18: Today is one of those days where I know I’m being hard to live with but genuinely don’t have the skills & forethought to behave better.
  • 23:28:19: Basically today wasn’t really a day off. I planned work almost the whole time + disabling myself with fancy nails for shoots isn’t relaxing.

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From Twitter 08-18-2010

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  • 11:49:38: Good comparative graph on How the fight over tax breaks affects your bottom line –
  • 18:04:05: It’s been 3 weeks since I talked to my sister so we had a good long chat about people, kids & craziness. Feeling emotional for # of reasons.
  • 18:16:25: Looking for books to help my 4 year old nephew with his worries and hypersensitive first-born stuff. Found some good ones.
  • 18:32:05: @swopusa @peacetara that Julia person, Jezebel, et al ignore some really big important points: disabled WOMEN benefit from sex service, etc.
  • 20:49:42: Revelation: our belief that there’s a motive (+control & decision) behind everything people do is part of why we fail at solving problems.

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From Twitter 08-17-2010

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  • 00:09:55: Just told @DeliaTS : “this day would’ve been a total disaster if you hadn’t fucked me earlier.” My way of saying THANKS for the BONE!!
  • 10:45:26: Blew a yellow leathery overnight booger out at high velocity but didn’t see it in my kleenex. Found it in my hair instead.
  • 11:37:15: I’m feeling inspired by Hot Mama Swingers (with pics):
  • 12:26:54: Voting by mail right now. WA state primaries are SO fucked up, making them more important than ever.
  • 12:47:54: You might be a terrorist if you’re wasting gas mowing SHORT DEAD FUCKING GRASS. Fuck your white picket fence brand of patriotic bigotry.
  • 12:58:19: I know, I sound totally bitchy today but I’m actually in a great mood & feeling energetic!
  • 16:49:21: Listening to creepy “Heinrich Von Kleist” while blogging about beetles: on HEARTS OF SPACE PGM 0317 TEUTONIC ELECTRONIC
  • 18:00:23: Once upon a time there was a girl who bred beetles: Includes complimentary boob pics!
  • 18:57:24: Don’t you just want to kick yourself when you turn on the wrong stove burner? I cannot do my nerd work AND take care of feeding myself.
  • 19:45:21: Why does food preparation have to involve so many STEPS? It would be simpler to just eat a can of dog food. Or be rich & hire slave cook.
  • 20:28:32: Though I cannot abide the thought of being seen in public right now, I’m going to the store to get something ready-made to eat.
  • 21:42:51: How I know you’re a fetid asshole: the way you keep yakking on your phone in the checkout line like the cashier isn’t even human.
  • 21:44:07: RT @sophiastjames: Check out this video. It’s a blooper from my Clips4Sale recordings! LOL via @youtube
  • 21:46:46: @pierre Yeah, your math is dead wrong. Do you have any clue how many hours teachers work at home? Spend on continuing ed? Supporting kids?
  • 23:10:15: Actually @jennydemilo I don’t know any “pros” who would post names & #’s except you for that, unless part of an agreed blackmail role play.
  • 23:13:54: I can’t imagine what @jennydemilo would do if her name & number were posted online every time she decided to insult somebody.

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From Twitter 08-16-2010

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  • 13:39:52: Curiouser and curiouser: I’ve had a headache of one sort or another pretty much 5 days out of the past seven. Might go back to bed.
  • 16:20:14: Sometimes sucking & fucking is THE best medicine. Hope it was “therapeutic” for our voyeurs watching us, too!
  • 16:30:31: constantly makes me want to move to Vegas & lead a kitchenless night-owl writing webwhore life.
  • 17:43:49: Feeling alienated by a lot of stuff lately. Pretty sure that, increased nightmares & other is connected to going off St. John’s Wort.
  • 21:48:04: Aaaand just as I settle in to do some blogging about hot mamas, @DeliaTS points out to me that our cable is down with the cams. MAD.
  • 21:49:30: I’m seriously on the verge of blowing money to rent a cabin away from home to write & be away from this never-ending, interrupting bullshit.
  • 23:36:36: Why the fuck am I doing a google image search on “anal glands dog”? No wonder I have such bad dreams.
  • 23:38:05: Weird . . . why is this image search on canine anal glands bringing up pictures of Amy Grant?

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From Twitter 08-15-2010

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  • 00:14:22: Watching the last few episodes of United States of Tara (season 1). @DeliaTS is making popcorn. Because I expressed a desire for it!!
  • 11:41:35: Last night I dreamt my wanker was paying me for a crossdressing session:
  • 11:53:31: My gut reaction to reading that the “craigslist killer” killed himself in jail is just ANGER.
  • 12:20:36: FUCK the border patrol – dirty shitstain kidnapping motherfuckers: RT @nydailynews
  • 12:53:05: Beginning to narrow down and edit a gallery of pics with my blouse open to show off the cool necklace @DeliaTS bought me in SF.
  • 13:00:37: Neighbor: go hold your noisy bitch-ass phone conversation in your house, not standing in your trash-heap of a driveway next to ours.
  • 13:29:40: Waggly pipes in Celtic New Age Music helps drown out the bitchy sounds of the dwarven cunt maggot next door.
  • 13:33:17: Okay, @rollertrain is making me painfully hungry. Burgers, boobs, fried green tomatoes, and carefully labeled fridge contents.
  • 15:05:46: 5 of 5 stars to The Man in My Basement by Walter Mosley
  • 15:15:47: RT @jennydemilo: RT @swopusa: RT @spreadmag Check out Will Rockwell and $pread in Mother Jones.
  • 15:41:25: 1 of 5 stars to Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
  • 15:50:33: Marked as to-read: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
  • 18:37:14: Listening to (and loving) HEARTS OF SPACE, PGM. 0338 FESTIVAL OF GLOOM
  • 18:38:36: It’s too hot to try to look cute for a vlog to go with a guest gallery for members & the me-gallery requires a thoughtful blog entry. STICKY
  • 22:09:44: Celebrating posting members-only vlog & guest gallery by listening to HEARTS OF SPACE, PGM. 0694 THE SILK ROAD
  • 22:11:51: I get incredibly excited looking forward to @DeliaTS coming home even when she’s only been gone a few hours. Love is a good thing!

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From Twitter 08-14-2010

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  • 07:51:42: The brutally gruesome violence in my dreams is sometimes TOO MUCH. Meaty bits of body strewn across racetrack, rips out his own heart, etc.
  • 07:53:10: He had a wiry upturned blond goatee. After he ripped out his heart he taunted a German Shepherd w/it before THROWING it w/his one arm.
  • 14:04:41: Phew! Managed to have a long & lovely orgasm without a cold shot of headache horror just now! Bodies are really interesting & complex.

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From Twitter 08-13-2010

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  • 09:43:17: We’ve got webcam shows today/tonight for our members! Mine’s at 8 (pacific time, 11 eastern) and @DeliaTS is at 2 pacific/5 eastern.
  • 10:07:52: I’m #reading Darling Jim by Christian Moerk
  • 10:46:56: Getting ready for some bottomless cardio in the parlor, voyeurs.
  • 11:00:41: I’m so glad the vacuum deciding to shit all over the floor after I thought I was done using it & could move onto exercise endeavors.
  • 11:55:55: Are any of my tweet friends into the enneagram?
  • 12:38:50: Preview pics from my Waterfall Nudie Gallery:
  • 13:50:26: Blargh. Doing an already uncreative/boring/long IMPORTANT promo project & running across old broken stuff, needs for OTHER updates, etc.
  • 19:32:23: Grr! Someone told @DeliaTS that “smart women have small boobs” & she let a plastic surgeon “decide for her”.
  • 19:46:12: Going to take a little ten minute break before my webcam show. Members go here & watch top ‘o hour:
  • 21:19:21: Had an awesome orgasm during my show. Punctuated, unfortunately, by one of those headaches. Didn’t blow up into blindness, though.
  • 22:17:31: Yes, I complained, but I *did* enjoy most of my work today. Now having trippy migraine visual disturbances..

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From Twitter 08-12-2010

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  • 02:41:56: Just spent some time lying in the grass watching the meteor shower and eventually the fog roll in. Feel lucky to have that luxury of dark.
  • 03:01:56: This 48+ hour headache feels like the left side of my head is trying to break up with me in a very passive aggressive way.
  • 11:42:21: 4 of 5 stars to The Outside Boy by Jeanine Cummins
  • 13:52:36: Working on a gallery for members, feeling it’s not enough, wondering if it’s better to post just this NOW or LATER *with* something else.
  • 14:11:54: My brows are in dire need of a shape up. Actually, there is nothing “dire” at all about the “need” for facial hair depilation, though.
  • 14:13:50: LOL @Volfie99 – you know who he is!! But he committed no sin . . . it was merely a playful hello portrait.
  • 14:43:58: 3 of 5 stars to At the Owl Woman Saloon by Tess Gallagher
  • 14:55:14: OMG. Thought I *hadn’t* read any Raymond Carver, but am reminded that I did read (hear?)that story about the fisherman & dead woman’s body.
  • 15:02:36: Goddammit where the hell did I read that story??? I must know! Is it in the house somewhere?
  • 17:25:13: For speed & spying, I switched some cams & shut down parlor cam while @DeliaTS is camming:
  • 18:53:55: Reading shorts by Ludmilla Petrushevskaya with my dinner or late lunch or whatever:
  • 21:38:53: Okay members: I posted up a new gallery of nudie pics of me by a waterfall!

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From Twitter 08-11-2010

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