From Twitter 10-30-2010

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  • 00:17:23: Just watched Harry Brown: LOVED IT! That box cover is fucking stupid though. Quiet & intense.
  • 10:01:30: I really MUST exercise today. But all I feel like doing is going back to sleep. Probably because I haven’t been getting any exercise.
  • 11:49:44: Continuing to contemplate “evil” (or chemical issues, defense mechanisms, lack of empathy & understanding & skills, etc. that look like it).
  • 11:52:13: On a much lighter & joyful note, happy to have just noticed this: RT @MonkeyAxis: from now on is to be known as PRANK MONKEY!
  • 12:22:58: 3 of 5 stars to Short Cuts by Raymond Carver
  • 12:32:01: 5 of 5 stars to Am I Normal? by Jeanne Betancourt
  • 12:48:56: I’m #reading People of the Lie by M. Scott Peck
  • 12:49:44: I’m #reading Common Ground in a Liquid City by Matt Hern
  • 12:50:42: I’m #reading The Road of Excess by Marcus Boon
  • 12:52:16: My girlfriend @DeliaTS is on cam; her birthday is tomorrow if you want to wish her a happy one:
  • 19:30:47: Listening to Fol Chen, editing pics for members, tormenting my wanker (I mean, my “boyfriend”) by not calling him while he watches my cam.
  • 19:31:41: RT @amberlily: Heads up members of — My Scheduled Members Group Show’s on for 11pm PACIFIC TIME tonight. See ya there?
  • 19:33:57: I want to get @amberlily an Ensign Ro Laren costume. My members: you know you can see her group shows, right?
  • 19:50:22: This picture of @StripperTweets makes me really excited:
  • 21:38:45: No, @edthrasher – those are not pictures of me; like I said, they’re of Bubbles / @strippertweets . Nice, eh?

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From Twitter 10-29-2010

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  • 10:28:45: I woke up so so horny, but I’m late paying the bills so GOOD MORNING MOOD KILLER! Fondling my checkbook isn’t as gratifying as it should be.
  • 11:59:02: We’re heading into @DeliaTS birthday weekend! She turns . . . (??) . . . on Halloween!
  • 12:56:40: Fucking with the new spycams and the old spycams and switching them around to optimize what they’re good out. So far not great.
  • 13:32:50: How To Rape A Woman And Get Away With It via @jezebel
  • 20:45:49: Awwww — love back at you, @heathercorinna for sharing home and hearth AND PRANK MONKEY with us!
  • 22:56:31: I’ve done a lot of overeating today. And now I feel like puking. Not in an anorexic “damage”-control way, but in a MyFuckingGutsHurt way.

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From Twitter 10-28-2010

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  • 15:05:42: OH financial planning advice from waitress to child: every penny counts when you want to go to Disneyland.
  • 15:23:59: FINALLY! A sale on hoochiewear!
  • 17:36:20: Whoah — a lot of email in my box after being gone a few days . . . trying to catch up.

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From Twitter 10-27-2010

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  • 12:04:51: For her sake, I hope @heathercorinna has a fan in her bathroom because I’m about to take care of some BUSINESS.

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From Twitter 10-26-2010

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  • 00:10:55: RT @Weebeasty: fat hate alert, y’all – riotsnotdiets: Awesome. Another reason why Marie Claire magazine will never ever be… http://tum
  • 00:14:00: I want to see MORE chubby-and-up people on tv, kissing & more. And hear fewer-to-none stupid-ass hate from @marieclaire contributors.
  • 00:24:02: I don’t know if I can be near the internet without feeling like I’m drowning in hatred. The worst: knowing sometimes I contribute to it.
  • 00:40:31: I have officially overdosed on other people’s stupidity today. I hope I can sleep off the stink of this shitty poison.
  • 00:44:28: No worries, @jacksonb702 – nobody is specifically, personally being mean to me directly.
  • 00:46:43: LOL – I like:RT @Weebeasty: @tastytrixie I intend to bathe it off with lovely smelling soap and then rub in goodness with scented unguents.
  • 09:36:45: Check out @DeliaTS “Delvira” pics: (by request, for T).
  • 10:17:30: Yay! @MonicaShores is on twitter now!
  • 10:37:21: The results of my pap smear are back and it was NEGATIVE (that’s good)! So happy to have had this many years of clear, healthy results.
  • 12:33:24: Damn! I mistook the stinky laundry detergent for the unscented. Now I’m going to wind up dying from pussy irritation & perfume brain.
  • 13:03:47: Just up: new thank you pics, a masturbation video, and a post about customer service provided by younger women in my members-only blog.
  • 16:33:48: Trying to quickly do damage control on my own assholeness before we head out of town: I love you & I’m sorry @UndressJess.
  • 16:49:28: What is it/are they again that I’m supposed to pack in bags to take when I’m not at home and their might be (photo) shooting? So confused.
  • 20:33:28: Riding backwards on the ferry, feelinf peaceful and sleepy.

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From Twitter 10-25-2010

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  • 01:31:23: Don’t ask me how, but I just got some of my period blood on the tip of my nose.
  • 10:32:03: Today: the only people I am working for are my site members.
  • 12:34:57: More stories coming to light in comments re: #fauxho PatBo grooming kids:
  • 13:16:56: I feel like shooting vid of some dark fucking ritual magic for Halloween to bind, erase, cut the tongue out of & disempower someone.
  • 13:18:06: Not really FOR Halloween, but using Halloween as an excuse to be scary. And to make something happen for all. The Dead. SAINTS & sinners.
  • 13:24:52: RT @thesexademic: Why the Alexa Di Carlo Thing Matters:
  • 17:10:49: Sometimes when I do things that are meaningful, it actually feels more absurd & senseless than when I do stuff that’s meaningless.
  • 21:29:53: Oh sheesh — I’m not sitting through a 15 second Subway ad just to see a video of someone stomping on a MoveOn member’s head.
  • 23:06:23: I was going to reply to someone’s tweet but I can’t figure out how to spell succombed. Wiggly red wrong-lines no matter how I type it.
  • 23:09:33: Goddamn, you make it sound so EASY!!! Hehehe RT @jacksonb702: @tastytrixie haha! is it succumb?????
  • 23:10:47: Interesting tip there, @jennythegreat – thanks!
  • 23:21:49: Off track again. Because I felt like googling: tastytrixie succumbed – yields fact that I *used* to know how to spell that word.
  • 23:22:29: It always astonishes me how all roads lead back to that one horse-fucker post I wrote.

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From Twitter 10-24-2010

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  • 00:23:38: We’re dancing like dorks and drinking water and loving music and breathing and no more computers tonight.
  • 00:56:46: I didn’t either, @roxxiecyber – I can’t remember who pointed that out last year, but I screen capped it & maybe they did too.
  • 10:22:50: Going to read some inspirational shit & go to the atheist “church” to hear talk about evil from psychological perspective.
  • 13:11:41: I love a lot of male-built, male-paradigmed, god and myth and stuff shit, but I do get sick of hearing so few available alternative stories.
  • 15:09:22: READ THIS: RT @aagblog “IF Pat is Alexa, he conned … prostitutes into having sex with him by posing as their mentor.”
  • 15:30:44: About to redo a bunch of the work I did last night. But first, **feeling sorry for myself** for having to redo a bunch of the work I did!
  • 16:46:24: Another perspective – an important one – on the older, darker areas of PatBo’s many shitstain deeds:
  • 17:28:26: @katstories I’m so glad this is becoming hilarious again. Barfy, yes, but still HILARIOUS.
  • 17:38:19: RT @katstories: PatBo: pedo mustache butterface, but legs for days!
  • 17:44:00: Goddamn it, I was laughing so hard at @katstories tweet, I actually hit “block” on her instead of “message”.
  • 18:37:08: I’m so sorry, @_Ten_10 – I probably wouldn’t be ready to laugh about it either in yours or others’ position. {{{hugs}}}
  • 19:51:07: My eyeballs must be broken because my reading comprehension took a nosedive about an hour ago.
  • 20:06:41: PatBo: we know you’re reading. Do you ever wish you’d just admitted & apologized for this & QUIT when you got caught the FIRST time??
  • 21:08:20: I love it! RT @maylingsu #MLSblog Shrinky May’s Erotic Adventure
  • 21:48:05: Eagerly anticipating @DeliaTS return home. So we can eat! And watch True Blood!!
  • 22:20:18: Made really happy by these pics @minasmusings of you & Joe: I teared up.

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From Twitter 10-23-2010

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From Twitter 10-22-2010

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  • 09:41:05: Some of our cams froze early this morning, but I just noticed and got them back up. @DeliaTS is exercising in the parlor.
  • 09:55:57: Looks like we have three paychecks inexplicably missing in action at the moment / not sent &/or not delivered on time. Thanks porn industry!
  • 09:59:48: Ooh! @amberlily has a bunch of cute candid Halloween-y pics up:
  • 10:06:02: Speaking of @amberlily, I do believe it’s her birthday today . . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY @AMBERLILY!!!!!!!! And many more . . .
  • 10:30:08: Loved @Augusten Burroughs’ essay in Allure mag about taking self-portraits. At least I think it’s in Allure: can find no evidence on site.
  • 17:36:31: I love hearing guys moan and groan in my ear when I make them cum. Be back after dinner for more!
  • 17:38:30: Nope @furrygirl; and the good news is it’s all straightened out. Two of them came & the other one is on the way/we found out the holdup.
  • 21:02:25: I don’t think my new higher price point is working very well.
  • 21:28:55: Shit . . . I am clearly tired. My cam link is – duh!

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From Twitter 10-21-2010

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  • 13:27:28: My GF@DeliaTS is getting her camgirl on if you want to see her stroke herself for you:
  • 14:01:38: I hate getting my hair done like toasters hate forks. But I’m a webwhore, so I must keep my shit blonde.
  • 14:04:32: @belledejour_uk Too true; SJP certainly did it enough on SATC. Unfortunately the contrast on webcam, especially the back, looks really ugly.
  • 14:15:44: Just wrote a really nice email to a cam customer explaining why I can’t do his kind of show again, but it says he’s not longer a valid user.
  • 14:51:14: It’s the boring shows I say no to, @roxxiecyber – he was a nice but super clueless & demanding “louder, faster, harder” kind of guy.
  • 14:52:49: I thought he knew that these very specific, MANY, on-cue, screaming “orgasms” he scripted were fake but turns out he thought they were real.
  • 14:54:28: I just don’t have the stamina to fake myself hoarse, eventually hover-masturbating, for 40 minutes. Even when the pay is great.
  • 18:52:53: We have our group camshows scheduled & on the calendar for this weekend and the next month; mine are at 4 Pacific, Fri & Sat.
  • 18:59:46: I’m on this here microblog-your-viewing-habits site because @UndressJess told me to be.
  • 20:07:46: Spam everyone wishes were true: “What I don’t get is why you’re not more popular; you’re just so intelligent blah blah blah blah”.
  • 21:18:49: I know it’s a very temporary fix that will make me feel worse later, but I’m going to eat some fucking pie. BLACK FUCKING BERRY!!

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