From Twitter 10-20-2010

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  • 08:48:17: @rollertrain Me too! Was just talking to @DeliaCD fantasizing about what age I might be when I really go grey (might not happen for me tho).
  • 09:15:04: Forcing myself to get some exercise. Probably not going to be more than 15 minutes with no panties on, shaking my gut jelly, on parlor cam.
  • 14:57:54: Good news, everyone: the doctor says that my peehole size is totally normal / NOT abnormally gigantic.
  • 15:13:46: View while I waited for gyn exam.
  • 17:51:58: Appointments & errands & bullshit mean I wind up letting myself get way too hungry, then make really bad food choices. Which I just did.
  • 18:03:16: In more webwhore-oriented news, going to shoot a set of Halloween pictures of @DeliaTS this evening.
  • 18:36:27: Yes, I love taboo role plays. That doesn’t mean I enjoy reading strangers’ emailed accounts of true (they say) pornofied incest experiences.
  • 18:38:27: I know, boundaries are SO confusing!! But the difference between truth and fiction, reality & role play: they are big & important here.
  • 18:47:59: For real? I should turn on more lights & fix that one dark spycam, then! RT @LOOKtvseries: @tastytrixie we are watching you trixie
  • 21:57:52: Oh yeah? I hope it DOES freeze this way!
  • 23:13:07: Uploading a new vlog for members . . . hope to activate it soon. There’s absent-minded breast/self-fondling in it.

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From Twitter 10-19-2010

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  • 18:17:12: Sorry I’ve been so boring lately; I’ve been paralyzed / overwhelmed by how behind I am on stuff. Keep panicking over where to (re)start.
  • 19:04:02: 4 of 5 stars to Courage to Change by Al-Anon Family Group
  • 19:39:34: Clarence and Virginia Thomas embody the ugly powerful dailiness of evil and how unrelentingly lifesuckingly spiritually violent it can be.
  • 19:43:16: Seriously, a deep well of hatred rises up in my throat when I read this shit: An absolute horror show of harrassment.
  • 23:34:05: God, I’m looking so sexy lately. Like a greyer version of Comic Book Guy: giant middle, greasy hair & glasses. Wait, he doesn’t have specs.
  • 23:49:24: Lately @DeliaTS has been wearing a combination of lotions that make her neck and cleavage smell especially seductive.

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From Twitter 10-18-2010

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  • 09:00:06: RT @amberlily Looks like I’m gonna hafta make some tweaks to the settings in this video program I’m using but I have a new Members Vlog!
  • 09:04:57: Oh look, @amberlily even posted a preview for you:
  • 09:24:03: @reptilegrrl The B I’ve been taking daily hasn’t been enough & I got weirdly intimidated by the injection lessons they tried to give me.
  • 10:17:04: @reptilegrrl Your evangelism is helpful, trust me. Maybe I’ll get back on board with the copper & selenium to help with the conversion stuff
  • 18:37:12: It’s getting so much darker. So much colder.
  • 20:52:16: We just had some yummy love making after eating a bunch of chantrelles @DeliaTS made us over salad for dinner. Food + orgasms = love!
  • 22:34:20: About to settle in with some harp music, a hot mug of mint magic tea, and a book of poetry. 40 may be the new 30, but my 37 is the old 37.

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From Twitter 10-17-2010

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  • 10:13:12: Sometimes just setting my “area” down on the corner of the hard wooden dining table and rubbing really feels good.
  • 17:49:50: 5 of 5 stars to The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
  • 17:55:08: @LondonInAustin Cool! Are you on ? I am always pestering folks to get on there; I’d love to see what else you read.
  • 20:14:42: Just spent over an hour doing something I thought would be fun & creative, but just wound up being time-consuming & too stupid for words.
  • 20:19:38: I should probably mention it was a webwhore/work thing, so might have been productive if I’d actually been successful. I WANT POTATO CHIPS!
  • 21:22:19: I’m pretty much just counting down the hours until I can go get my vitamin b shot tomorrow. Let it go FAR too long. Again. Suffering 4 it.

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From Twitter 10-16-2010

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  • 00:29:07: Tis the season of very very big spiders in the house.
  • 08:35:26: Sorry for this tax blogging after reading me tweet about it for days:
  • 12:50:57: What’s this? I’ve gotten a package from a Mr. E. Shrdlu! Going to open it now . . .
  • 12:52:43: And with real stamps on it! And super duper goodies inside, including a custom cd cover for a mix that totally made me LOL!
  • 12:56:11: Oh my, and an offer to replace my ragged office chair . . . that is beyond BEYOND thoughtful along with all the other sentiments. Kisskiss!
  • 16:35:50: When someone in town is doing hour-long massages for only 35 fucking bucks, I *have* to take advantage. My body needed that SO BADLY!!
  • 19:57:25: Thanks for reminders of how much I love music, Mr. Shrdlu (my personalized night train mix) & @heartsofspace (B. Cockburn h. winds w. skies)
  • 20:02:39: I want to learn to play the dulcimer. Once upon a time when I was little I had a zither. It was really fucking cool. I like Jesus songs btw.
  • 20:43:29: My brain is incapable of concentrating on anything except watching deer shadows cross the yard under the half-moon light.

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From Twitter 10-15-2010

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  • 11:01:45: Preparing to gouge my eyes out with knuckles of fury over how long it takes to perform simple, BORING-ASS tasks. I need some fresh air.
  • 11:24:23: I wonder if I could commission someone to create silicone dildos molded to look like different big & small poops? People want the brown.
  • 11:34:40: OK, I have some errands to run and breakfast to eat, but after that, if you’re lucky, I have some pictures of a buck’s giant balls to post!
  • 13:55:12: Chewing peppermint gum after a mini-binge: tastes like Christmas. Feeling groovy until caff & sugar wear off.
  • 15:19:23: It must be the season of weirdly aggressive little flies that aim their bodies straight for my ears.
  • 17:05:00: Dude sitting on his little amp downtown, rocking his electrified cello: gorgeous, brilliant, SO lovely to hear! Daniel Lanois met Van Halen.
  • 18:00:45: We really need to get a cam up to showcase the many many deer who pass through to graze & even sleep in our yard.
  • 19:08:48: Working on moving & cleaning stuff up in WebWhore Headquarters a bit to make it slightly more appealing, I hope, for camming.
  • 19:55:26: Yes, yes … I know the Wiccan celtic knot nerd linen over the cedar chest is less-than-ideal, but it’s TEMPORARY. Plus I like it. For now.
  • 21:15:25: Moved my shoe rack in here so most of my fetish heels, peeptoes, etc. are handy for doing camshows but not sure I like where I put it.
  • 23:26:02: Finished up posting a boring-ass blog entry, but it needed to be done.

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From Twitter 10-14-2010

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  • 05:39:19: Decided to get up (temporarily!) since I’ve been tossing & turning for the past forty minutes. Going to read something inspirational w/tea.
  • 05:48:50: It’s so weird how many of you are awake at this ungodly hour (for me on the west coast as a person who lately sleeps midnight to eight-ish).
  • 05:49:46: But oh my gosh! Look at night owl @amberlily all dressed up as a bespectacled french maid!
  • 06:01:33: Also, the stars were amazingly bright when I got up & looked outside. Orion was pissing shimmers from his side-cock.
  • 07:57:13: About to kill trees printing out a bunch of receipts because I still haven’t finished doing our taxes. Shoot me if I don’t finish today!
  • 08:42:23: Note: doing our taxes isn’t really all that hard, there are just a lot of time-consuming details I should’ve taken care of along the way.
  • 08:56:11: Dear followers: if I haven’t followed you back, it may be because I’m way behind, not necessarily because I don’t want to.
  • 09:02:18: Wearing lidoderm patches on my upper back; supposed to be for shingles pain, but works really well for nipping a headache in the bud. Wacky!
  • 10:34:19: RT @audaciaray: Tear your eyes from the disaster porn of the Chilean miners and read this piece about labor h/t @analiala
  • 10:36:15: Someday I will learn to keep track of our mileage. Really screwing ourselves by not deducting how much we have to spend to get anywhere.
  • 13:17:28: Yay! Done filling out tax forms for now!! Boo!!! So deep in debt it’s amazing we’re not cold lumps of fear. Trying to live in the present.
  • 13:57:13: Waking up at 5 this AMhas officially caught up with me. Might need to grab a nap. Meantime: @DeliaTS is live:
  • 13:59:15: Most do-gooder arguments in favor of tolerating homos fall apart when you look at them from the bi &omnisexual perspectives they ignore.
  • 18:45:40: I’m spending money (on bills) as fast as @DeliaTS can make it:
  • 20:14:41: Guess which toy I want most on this wishlist? I can’t believe Lwaxana is only $8.19! My idol!
  • 20:20:46: My 2nd choice would be an Ensign Ro action figure if I were to buy things of that nature. I love you Ro Laren! CHILLS just thinking bout her

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From Twitter 10-13-2010

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  • 09:05:45: My incredibly fun life continues today with more work on taxes PLUS A PELVIC EXAM! Yes, I’ll ask Dr. if he thinks my peehole looks gigantic.
  • 12:14:37: Phew! Rescheduled my pap smear for a later date so I can spend more time on taxes, credit reports, and other fascinating tasks.
  • 12:40:52: Enjoy some afternoon delight with @DeliaTS while I’m being so boring! Help her boost her credit rating!
  • 14:27:20: I think I’m losing twitter followers because I haven’t been tweeting about pooping enough. Kind of surprised by a few I “lost”.

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From Twitter 10-12-2010

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From Twitter 10-11-2010

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  • 12:41:45: Been meal-planning, grocery-shopping, etc. trying to take care of all that business. Going to have some lunch now. I know, exciting, eh?
  • 16:30:53: Had a bonding, lovey-dovey, romantic walk in the woods. You wouldn’t believe how many mushrooms there were & different kinds!
  • 17:22:55: Watering plants & cutting fingernails while @DeliaTS plays guitar. Sometimes this is all I want & more of: simple things, slowly.
  • 17:34:36: Yay! Look at all the good food: – I am really fond of this new blog.
  • 17:40:34: @furrygirl I want to! Except my phone is full so can’t take pics til I dl old ones & erase. And I’m embarrassed about the crap I eat.
  • 18:42:53: I’m glad these haggard-ass camwhores lie about their ages; it makes me look like I’m drinking from the piss-slit of the fountain of youth.
  • 18:44:58: Sorry, I know that’s a catty thing to say. I’ll lie about my age too if I think it will make me more money. But I think I do fine at 37.
  • 18:52:02: Man, I’m sorry I said that. It was a shitty thing to say. I’ve even ADVISED other webwhores to say they’re younger than they are.
  • 19:36:44: Huffpost – Prostitution “Experts” Versus Prostitutes: Why Don’t All Sex Workers Deserve a Voice?

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