- 04:17:52: Really windy here. LOUD. Something I ate today must have had dairy in it (naanwich, me thinks). Sick & itchy. I miss @DeliaTS .
- 12:26:05: A sort of moody pac nw picture post in my blog: http://www.tastytrixie.com/pacific-northwest/the-superbowl-alternative-pics/
- 16:35:40: Took advantage of tech problems to tidy up WebWhore HQ a little & now am trying to rescue old .wma’s from napster but it’s not working.
- 18:01:03: Awww… Rainbows for Trixie Crankypants! http://twitpic.com/3xjz1f
- 18:16:31: Line on repeat in my head: “THATza WUNuh SPYCey MEATBALLuh!” Being said over and over in my brain.
- 18:19:53: Wonder if I should open this long (almost as tall as I am) phallic object I got in the mail or wait until done editing pics as reward?
- 18:37:40: Awesome!! AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!! I can’t wait for @DeliaTS to come home & help me hang up my new map of WA – thank you, NOT-no.-199!
- 18:38:21: Man, this present almost calls for a shower and a laser pointer . . .
- 18:47:54: Glad I waited to edit this candlelit set of pics; almost always appreciate photos of myself more with distance from original expectations.
- 20:31:24: We have shows scheduled this weekend for members! I’m formatting & uploading archives now, though, if you won’t be there & want to pretend.
- 21:15:21: I thank you, @celery66 ! Of course, you’ll probably be fast asleep by the time the vids & vlog & pics are done uploading & ready to view…
- 21:19:46: I am just WAY too excited about my noodle soup dinner coming up. Maybe a SAUSAGE thrown in for good measure? Or I’ll just tease myself…
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