- 08:47:28: Hope that a) it stays cloudy/overcast but b) does not rain for ease in softcore picture-taking. And c) girl in big house stays at work.
- 14:13:02: 3 of 5 stars to From Fatigued to Fantastic! by Jacob Teitelbaum http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/152256408
- 15:28:35: I’m so dysfunctional I just made us a safe word (LIGHTNING) that means “I CAN’T MAKE EYE CONTACT W/YOU NOW PLEASE GO AWAY REALLY FAST!”
- 20:19:55: So glad @DeliaTS was in the mood for nice drive, cheeseburgers & fries. Now putting on cozy clothes to continue working on pics for members.
- 21:06:30: Oh my! My girlfriend @DeliaTS looks so fucking hot on cam right now! http://deliats.cammodels.com
- 21:11:18: Nope . . . no lightroom, just photoshop, @chrisorourke Do you ask because you keep seeing me tilting my head? LOL.
- 21:11:52: LMAO – RT @greenguy89 @DeliaTS You’re such a dirty slkut!
- 23:14:21: I posted a new gallery for members! I also wrote a blog entry with lots of sample pics but I’m sitting on it because maybe it sounds cranky.
- 23:27:46: Oops . . . I failed to remark on my ten year blog anniversary on March 9th. I’m not good at paying attention to those things.
- 23:29:01: Maybe, but you’ve been AWESOME at camming, @DeliaTS !
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