- @DasbootMaguire I can see it if you're following an auction, trying to pick something up as soon as it's available, etc. in reply to DasbootMaguire #
- Back to the taxes. Not really hard, just time-consuming. Thank you to Nollipap for sending $$ help! Hope to finish this today . . . #
- HAPPY to be 97% done w/the taxes, even though turns out we owe an assload of money. A little more than I estimated, lots more than I hoped. #
- So excited that DS9 is streaming on Netflix now! So bummed that Netflix isn't working on the PS3 for anyone today!! FUCKERS . . . #
- Thanks for the phone talk time & offer, @juliastockings !! #
- Been fiddling around with new pics to post in the free area of http://t.co/JL6weC7J – because my honey has so many hot ones! #
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