• View from cabin window 8ish this am. Going to be a great day! My computer might even get fixed! http://t.co/g3dcIS94 #
  • Cleaning up & taking nap b4 tech helper gets here. FYI: he doesn't mind being on the spycams! @DeliaTS is on cam now: http://t.co/kHGsLPH7 #
  • Okay, the nap part isn't going to happen. But there are no longer chocolate muffin droppings all over the cabin floor, so that's good. #
  • Swoon . . . love the live-right-now preview pic of @DeliaTS here: http://t.co/kHGsLPH7 #
  • Considering reinventing myself or popping a bunch of pills or clawing at the faces of strangers on the street begging them to love me. #
  • But I'm lazy. Will continue reading book on Kindle then switch to reading Kindle Daily Post. Reading ABOUT books easier than finishing them. #
  • Seeing AB3 on Thursday. Been almost 10 years. Mostly I just want the hugging. MOSTLY. #
  • You guys know that everything I say here is TRUE, but maybe not as exciting, dramatic or urgent as it sounds? Not an act, I'm just that way. #
  • Just re-read my tweets to assess accuracy of last statement. Discovered NOTHING I say is exciting. Or urgent. So! Unnecessary disclaimer. #
  • A little disappointed that tech guy was IN WebWhoreHQ & didn't compliment my Lwaxana Troi action figure. Maybe he'll notice her tomorrow… #
  • Well Gemini is my rising sign, @joepennant . Plus I could be sharing these small odd truths to distract you from my darker inner truths. in reply to joepennant #
  • Only thing missing in this bowl? Banana split ice cream. Donuts. Prosciutto. Nibs. Chocolate milk. REEEEEEEFER!! http://t.co/G69rU4xu #

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