- Backups & scans all made yesterday; techmaster coming back soon to fiddle w/my computer. Cross fingers for me to get machine back fast? #
- Guess what the 1st thing was he commented on this AM, @Species_125 ? TROI!! Either he's reading my twitter or is just the nerd I hoped for! in reply to Species_125 #
- My computer is so fuxored that I'm getting to have lots of convos about Star Trek & software & stuff w/the computer tech guy. #
- My lip is fat with grotesque meaty horror after I chomped into it twice during dinner tonight after biting it a couple of days ago. #
- Man, I wish @DeliaTS wanted to go to bed right now. But it's hard to wish your GF would stop making money: http://t.co/kHGsLPH7 #
- Sometimes it feels like @DeliaTS is working so hard just to pay people to be my friends. Oddly, that doesn't bother me as much as it should. #
- Suddenly having a pretty bad anxiety attack worrying about ways my nephew's kindergarten classmates could hurt him. #
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