- This headache I've got might give me just the excuse I need to celebrate today very silently and away from electric lights. #
- Must come to terms with fact that "My Tracks" app is grossly overestimating mileage. No way I walked 7.4 miles in 1 hour & 15 minutes. #
- Day of the dead. http://t.co/yFa0V4iu #
- I'm going to have some lunch after those 7 miles (haha) while @DeliaTS brightens people's day live on cam: http://t.co/kHGsLPH7 #
- Guess the 2nd or 3rd nap since moving in here isn't happening. Neighbors YACKING SO FUCKING LOUD JESUS SHUT THE FUCK UP OR TAKE IT INSIDE. #
- No joke, I totally MOANED when I dropped that deuce just now. Oh, and I haven't forgotten about my nudie pic of the day . . . coming up! #
- Nudie pic of the day: looking for a cozy cold-weather book. http://t.co/f0UcRlhP #
- I guess the fact that I waited until 9:45 pm to try to start NaNoWriMo & their site is down is a sign I shouldn't participate. Fuck it. #
- (If you just saw me tear up it was over something I just read in a Stephen King interview, not just because I'm pouting.) #
- Be my NaNoWriMo friend? http://t.co/fec0ePht #
- The smell of my snatch is making me hungry for a big, almost-hot, soft, salty pretzel! #
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