- Don't know why, but there's something cleansing about waking up unable to control your bowels. My shit is almost pure liquid this AM. #
- On a lighter & more interesting note, another camgirl customer commented on this old blog entry of mine: http://t.co/mkt2h3Gb #
- Woohoo! For once something on my to-do list took EXACTLY the amount of time I set aside for it. Had to hurry for it to work . . . #
- I decided it's SUPER lucky to scrub the floor on Friday the 13th! Love the cabin's small size. http://t.co/hNTtW89h #
- It appears that I do not know how to drive myself home! Totally drove past — WAY past — one of the streets I need to turn on to get here. #
- {{{{{hugs hugs hugs}}}} @SabrinaSwings – thank you! I am so grateful for you! So happy we met 11+ years ago. I love you too! in reply to SabrinaSwings #
- How many webwhores have started chip-in/fundraising campaigns for STD testing? Anyone doing that on MGF? #
- Thanks for letting me interrupt your camming, @DeliaTS to take my lucky ladder nudie pic for Friday the 13th! http://t.co/ohVxyjd3 in reply to DeliaTS #
- Hey! I'm live for a little while tonight . . . catch me while you can! http://t.co/h0LF15in #
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