- My nudie pic & local stuff from yesterday: http://t.co/mCE4oxXv #
- All of the animal tracks are disappearing as the snow melts around their indentations. http://t.co/3dBjYG8A #
- LMAO RT @BellaVendetta dear everyone: thanks for the lessons on the economy being bad…I had no idea!~ in reply to BellaVendetta #
- More snowy pics of us & our local landscape in @DeliaTS blog: http://t.co/h6fsa2Pj #
- Editing a gigantical set of pictures . . . at my fave part to look at: BETWEEN MY LEGS! #
- The flesh is weak. I just interrupted editing my pictures in order to vibe my way to an orgasm watching @HRugaru jack-off vids. #
- Crunch Boot Camp workout = silly & needlessly complicated simple moves. I didn't know plies were routine in boot camp. Won't do again. #
- About to take a long hot shower while @DeliaTS turns people on, LIVE on cam: http://t.co/cXSXwuFC #
- My nudie pic of the day is of my muff, self-shot from my own POV mere minutes ago: http://t.co/UEZOVXS8 PLUS my bare ass! #
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