- Mwahaha! I reap the benefits of @DeliaTS blossoming foot fetish she just blogged about (with pics): http://t.co/HbUN51V0 #
- Still image from the vlog I just posted for members . . . nothing fancy, just chatting about mundane this and that. http://t.co/zLlHfQJp #
- My girlfriend makes me food when I'm hungry. Because she loves me! And hates hearing me cry!! http://t.co/u7bI8Bdb #
- And when I say girlfriend you know I'm talking about the BEST gf, @deliats – I'm such a lucky monkey! http://t.co/zpkXD8fv #
- Just posted: my (upside down) nudie pic of the day! http://t.co/uGDM3mSM #
- Yum, my girlfriend is so adorable! She's @DeliaTS, and she's live on cam right now! http://t.co/cXSXwuFC #
- If I see another stolen pic of a beautiful naked woman with no credit given, no model name provided, I'm going to . . . . ugh! GAH! #
- Congrats! RT @AaliyahLove69 Well I did it! It's one of my NY resolutions to post at least 12blogs posts a month and I'm at 12 for Jan now:) in reply to AaliyahLove69 #
- Fuckin' _Are You There God, It's Me Margaret_, @StripperTweets ! But seriously, are you on GoodReads? I can't remember . . . in reply to StripperTweets #
- No no no . . . scratch that. It's _Flowers in the Attic_, @StripperTweets or . . . Rebecca. Sucks, but these are the 1st books come 2 mind. in reply to StripperTweets #
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