- Pics of strange markings on my nude body: http://t.co/f09chUza (unsurprisingly, I woke up w/an anxiety attack in the middle of last night). #
- Need to reclaim some sleep & utilize the privilege of self-employment in a healthy way. #
- I wish there were pho in this town. Because I would go eat some right now. With a towel over my head, nose 3 inches from broth. #
- You two deserve it! @sexymisslizz @BellaVendetta – I know you both do way more exhausting stuff daily than I do. Sleeeep, sweet friends! in reply to sexymisslizz #
- I love this episode. (watching The Sarah Silverman Program, Bored of the Rings S02E01) http://t.co/tulnscwd #
- WTF is the difference between a cafe & a bistro? Technically I don't know what either word means. #
- Disclaimer: I disagree strongly with some stuff my friends say, think, believe, etc. Like CRINGE. Trying to get better at picking battles. #
- People I follow have been tweeting a lot of stuff that makes me laugh out loud for real. I love that! #
- Caffeine is not my friend. It *tastes* like my friend, but unless I'm on the verge of a migraine it is absolutely NOT my friend. #
- Climbing up the sunny side of this tree in my mind like a warm squirrel: http://t.co/n5thVjgm #
- OMG the cuteness! There are 9 or 10 or 11 teeny little kinglets flitting around backyard I can see, dangling from tiny bush branches, etc. #
- Speaking of both celebrating and abhorring certain things and things people I like say, we need to find somewhere to watch the Super Bowl. #
- And by "Super Bowl", you know I mean the halftime show with Madonna, @NICKIMINAJ and M.I.A. #
- Downloading & backing up & deleting shitloads of pics & stuff off my phone. To make room for more nudie pics & to try out new photo apps! #
- Experimenting with new apps & filters. For more nudie pic of day variety? #
- Oops! Meant to include this pic in last tweet: http://t.co/eVK7JANy #
- Oh, I love the sound of that! RT @KTAranui Ha! It looks like you are eating a piece of sun! in reply to KTAranui #
- Wow – this IS funny! (watching Portlandia, Farm S01E01) http://t.co/5RiKQJlp #
- Got some zinc lozenges. Got some vapo-rub. Tried @DeliaTS' patience (which appears to be unending!). Got nudie pic: http://t.co/KgLdgv1d #
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