- Very excited – just woke up after FINALLY getting a good night's sleep! Seems like it's been awhile since I had a whole night of rest. #
- Preview (pics of sweet aftermath) on Delia's blog/rear end of the spanking content we shot of @DeliaTS & @SavannahSly: http://t.co/mY9sL7Zm #
- When out running errands, before taking a walk: http://t.co/T3xhHnOz #
- My pee, splattered on salal & held in cup of dead leaf: http://t.co/jAOgD3Ce taken on my walk in woods. #
- Trying to resist a nap, but it may be smarter to give in and take a siesta. Way overdue for B vitamin shot. #
- Didn't take a nap; did something "important" instead! #
- Oooh … I wish I had time to read more on the boards about the 1099-Ks we've been sent with Visa merchant code 5967 reporting us as ADULT. #
- In an unpleasant mood after trying to pay the bills. No emergencies, just really disappointed in progress (not) being made on goals. #
- @roxxiecyber I feel the same way; I've probably only given a cursory glance to GFY & maybe ynot a couple of times in the past year. in reply to roxxiecyber #
- @roxxiecyber Basically I'm just not looking at any of them. It's such a time suck I won't let myself until we revamp our affiliate site. in reply to roxxiecyber #
- Want some exotic cam time with my girlfriend? She's doing all sorts of things live on @streamate right now: http://t.co/kHGsLPH7 #
- Going to take a break from webmastery computery work to take a shower . . . scrub my scalp, my elbows . . . my ass crack . . . #
- I love love love chatting with @DeliaTS one-on-one via IM while I watch her on our spycams from, like, 35 feet away. It makes me giddy! #
- Sooooooo sleeeeeeepy. @deliats is working late so I'm hitting the sheets alone in the cabin. It's raining…full moon behind clouds. #
- Too itchy & noisy from wind making things scrape & squeak against cabin to stay asleep. Fuuuuuck. #
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