• Computer fella is here working on stuff. #
  • There must be a tumor in my left boob. Why else has it surpassed size of once-biggest right boob? Also really veiny. Sometimes hurts. #
  • Nothing like boiling water & filling a washing machine by hand to make you realize how much water even a small load uses. #
  • GASP! @DeliaTS came down the stairs in her new dress & I almost cried, she's so beautiful. Striking, coolly HOT, elegant, RICH-looking SEXY. #
  • I totally want to but she won't let me @juliastockings ! @DeliaTS doesn't want to blow her entrance at the @trannyawards . in reply to juliastockings #
  • Maybe if I could just POOP already I wouldn't feel all mopey and like crying. #

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