• Oh, but I *wish* that were the routine, @pg2400 @DeliaTS ! We need to make *more* time for fucking, for sure. 🙂 in reply to pg2400 #
  • Editing pictures of me in a control slip where I look like a plumper from the front and a skinny chick from the back. Fortunately both cute. #
  • My nudie pic of the day w/new nightstand: http://t.co/dfleKB1Y (don't read text if you have real problems or heartache – 'twill madden you) #
  • OMG – so much bird activity and different calls and chattering to each other outside right now!! Going to stand out there & grin. #
  • Brain not working so deliciously today. Struggled to concentrate. At least I pooped, exercised, & swept the cabin among other cool things. #

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