• Reading The Hunger Games, wishing I hadn't missed free archery event in town couple weeks ago. I've never used a bow. http://t.co/37wdJBlk #
  • Hmmm . . . having some technical problems with my main blog. One mysterious. The other one semi-expected but not easily solved. #
  • Pictures of me reading The Hunger Games in bed naked! http://t.co/EkhioEfT #
  • If 28 people email me $1 or more amazon gift cards TONIGHT, I'll post 12+ minutes of our sweet sex vids on my blog! http://t.co/PCT1l6g6 #
  • We might make it to vids on http://t.co/1eL0jizc -only need 17 more email cards. Thanks folks! Unsure why list count count isn't decreasing. #
  • I will be glad to end this birthday wishlist experiment. It sounds like something I don't like the sound of. Still…a learning experience. #
  • Salt & vinegar POP chips. Pirate's veggie booty. 3 musketeers (& I do mean THREE). Root beer. All-in bed w/me & The Hunger Games. #
  • Sending warm thoughts and positive safe traveling wishes and other special thoughts to @HRugaru on the next leg of his journey. in reply to HRugaru #

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