- Dreamt of Varied Thrushes. Following their calls, and not being able to get close enough to see them. #
- I've issued @DeliaTS a challenge! To tweet THREE TIMES A DAY!! She has accepted, and is charging her phone to prepare . . . #
- I'm taking today off (ahem don't tell my boss I'm here at computer working), but here's a nudie pic from yesterday: http://t.co/RqwdPr91 #
- 4 of 5 stars to How to Breathe Underwater by Julie Orringer http://t.co/MevgfCHH #
- How I felt about The Hunger Games (book): http://t.co/2AqUs5p7 #
- Yay! Awesome guest nudie pics of the day on my blog from my amazing friend @hypnoticriver : http://t.co/WrBXDaPc – thank you!! #
- Oops! I just went upstairs & caught @deliats putting on a show for a hot cam-to-cam fan! http://t.co/cXSXwuFC #
- Like foxy mild-types with big toys & HUGE clits? Check this preview pic of @deliats live on http://t.co/kHGsLPH7 http://t.co/Fn3fL1Jp #
- That should've read "foxy MILF types" not "foxy MILD types". Haha! #
- OMG – for REAL, phone?!?? Also should've read "with big TITS" not "big toys" (though @DeliaTS does have all of those, too). #
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