- RT @BloodyTrixie My period started just past the middle of the night while I was sleeping. Discovered at 5:09 when I got up to pee. in reply to BloodyTrixie #
- Trying to figure out what I did last time to make audio recordings from my phone work with hipcast to post on my blogs. Frustrated. #
- STYMIED. Over and over and over, all of my efforts!!! Charred craters of my thwarted half-works pockmark my sanity. #
- My savior, @DeliaTS – she reminds me there are porky noodly leftovers in the fridge from the dinner she made TO ORDER for me last night. #
- It's probably a sign that I can't find that list of things I wrote down in bold sharpie that I TOTALLY MUST DO TODAY. Fucking disappeared. #
- My nudie pic of the day is picS plural from my webcam show tonight! http://t.co/DcP5Tjkg #
- Said a thank you for each thing I spent time working on today. For the tools I have, the problems that could be way worse, the help I have. #
- My gif doesn't work on my phone! Why does everything I do have to be flawed & half-suck? Whine whine whine CRYYYYYYY pout self-pity. #
- @wabtlsfan happy birthday! You're ALMOST as old as I am! #
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