- This morning's list of stuff & people I'm grateful for: http://t.co/fRFlWjZl #
- Women using birth control pills: are you usually STILL spotting or flowing on the day you start a new pill pack? #
- @BellaVendetta Ahhh, thanks for answering my Q. in reply to BellaVendetta #
- Awwwww, @HRugaru ! in reply to HRugaru #
- Wondering what pills I recently swallowed on cam? A list: 5mg Ritalin, 500 mg Rhodiola (over-the-counter herb) & 2 extra strength Tylenol. #
- The tylenol is for a headache I woke up with from tight muscles from doing too much upper-body exercise. Stretched a lot, but still tight. #
- THANK YOU, @greenguy89 ! I still haven't gotten time to dive into the site & contest, but I really really appreciate the email & tweets! in reply to greenguy89 #
- Holy contact high . . . one of our neighbors is smoking something good. #
- I stand corrected by @Big_Darth – no contact, just second-hand smoke drifting over the fence & in through the window. in reply to Big_Darth #
- I might if I thought any of them had a big cock and could keep secrets in this town, @DreamnetFaith69
in reply to DreamnetFaith69 #
- Making slow progress on lots of things. It's really unfortunate one of my machines decided to take a shit right near the end of a process. #
- Ahhh, you want another vlog with me swearing, eh @pg2400 ? in reply to pg2400 #
- Yay! @DeliaTS is home! Like your typical demanding husband the first thing I said to her when she walked in is "I'm HUNGRY!" I'm an #asshole #
- A tired late-for-bed nudie pic of the end of the day: http://t.co/htFyGCR1 #
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