- Had to mop up a lot of squirtness on the floor after my show just now. #
- Beautiful & hilarious: (watching Vernon, Florida) http://t.co/tFWG9WGH #
- It appears that 7 out of 10 people can't be bothered to fucking read more than 1 out of ten words. And they get paid to! Unbelievable. #
- Seriously, I have had email convos with a dozen people over the past two weeks that are incomprehensibly lazy and willfully ignorant. #rude #
- My nudie pics of the day include crazy-ass MILF-y energy: http://t.co/onSqA0FO #
- Why is Ice Cube inside a giant penis-pump? (watching Up in smoke tour) http://t.co/XCNftjG6 #
- If I could have any 3 guys at once: Turtle from Entourage, Ice Cube and fucking SEAN ASTIN. #
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