- Congratulations, @HRugaru – tell "Lucky You" that she and the baby look beautiful. Thank you for sharing – that is awesome! Sending hugs. in reply to HRugaru #
- A colorful sort of trippy non-porno meandering with pics I just posted on my blog: http://t.co/mn3uFW39 #
- But if you'd rather just see a nudie pic, here's the one @DeliaTS just shot of me half an hour ago: http://t.co/nIZJ6fCE #
- Hard to prioritize based on what is really HIGH PRIORITY instead of what/who will make you feel the most guilty if you don't do it. #
- You know, in a world where you a) can't do EVERYTHING, and b) don't sacrifice your health & sanity & LIFE-loving to do TOO MUCH. #
- Arrr, shit! I think housekeeping might have thrown away my plastic bag filled with my dirty underwear! #
- You know, I don't even recognize half of the "words" you guys are posting in your tweets. I guess most of you are just way ahead of my time. #
- I want to compliment someone's dramatic FB status update as sounding like a gay Jim Thompson novel, but I don't think they'd be flattered. #
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