- @DiamondJames NICE FIND! Yeah, I know *I* want to see that!! in reply to DiamondJames #
- I love it when older women tell me I look good. In person, when I actually do look okay. It makes me FEEL good! #
- Delicious. Because of @libby_lynn & @Zoeytrope , I am now aware of & following @NotTildaSwinton . in reply to NotTildaSwinton #
- I need to schedule a Tilda Tribute Week in addition to Lou Reed Week on my to-do list, @libby_lynn @Zoeytrope – haven't SEEN Constantine! in reply to libby_lynn #
- Seeing Orlando on the big screen as a teenager: probably a big game changer & something of a lifesaver in my experience. #
- Mmmmm… The mild heat from surprise sunshine makes me want to pick up boys & fuck them. Also, that tan blonde girl in white short-shorts. #
- Window down at stop light, a 65ish man in a little pickup truck gave me what I THINK was supposed to be a complimentary, umm, bark. #
- I'm GLEAMING w/sunshine in my outdoor nudie pic taken after dinner today: http://t.co/1A5Ubqpq WITH BONUS: nuclear magic potion doodle LOL #
- @wabtlsfan LOL – thanks! I actually enjoy doing it . . . but hey, did you move recently? I thought you were in Vancouver . . . now in Oly? in reply to wabtlsfan #
- @minasmusings Sounds like you've experienced loss associated w/her for a long time & now it's at natural end. Glad you're taking care of U! in reply to minasmusings #
- Grrrr…our internet connection just took a dive. 2nd time today. #
- Schedule one fucking day off & watch it turn into a date with the cable company. I just love working 7 days a week. #
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