• Internet working this morning. Methinks last night was not our modem, but an outage I was first to call about & they didn't ping any locals. #
  • But I'm going to go ahead and see if my favorite cable guy comes over early anyway. Happy to have him check out my equipment. #
  • I set up some pretty pictures of me in natural light wearing only 70s platform sandals & sheer top: http://t.co/5HHK4KFG (shot in March) #
  • Awesome is sitting on couch eating breakfast & seeing woodpecker methodically scale tree right outside window in front of me. #
  • LMAO @minasmusings in reply to minasmusings #
  • The woodpecker I saw was a Hairy Woodpecker, according to @deliats. Colors like a bristly winged skunk. #
  • Yay! So excited – cable signals just being tweaked as they make improvements. Been hearing rumors for a year . . . will be awesome. #
  • I love our cable guys. When I tell them about our cams & ask if they want me to turn them off while they're here, they never care.<3 <3 <3 #
  • @NaturesBabes Thank you! in reply to NaturesBabes #
  • Dear Jesus, please help me find the $1800 that's lost in the mail. Or in hell. Which is kinda what our post office is like. WITH SMILES. #
  • Just 1 story made the internet worth it today: Horse herpes outbreak forces rodeo queens to ride stick ponies http://t.co/2ek5Lzxb #
  • Pics of @DeliaTS in bed & my sunny walk today: http://t.co/K0Uo1Lgi (thanks to @LightningAllie reminding me that SUNSHINE IS AWESOME!) #
  • I hope that wasn't a small hard spot of poop that I just scraped off my phone's screen with my fingernail. Must be #KlonopinTime #

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