- Lit some candles, ate a donut for bfast…gonna make some big wide space for slow non-talking time off today. http://t.co/HayJAwWe #
- My "mosquito bites" http://t.co/CYxWhgN1 My boobs look like missiles! #
- Deadheaded #1 http://t.co/ZN5RNC9S #
- Deadheaded #2 http://t.co/u2Rg7tlt #
- Deadheaded #3 http://t.co/pzw00bvQ #
- It's SO exciting knowing we have an event to go to this weekend where my red velvet fringe poncho will be perfect attire! #
- Going to try on some sexy stuff I haven't shot in yet, including new panties. Spy on me, members! http://t.co/zrWE3PvC #
- My little voyeur cam |: dress & undress
"show" is over . . . for now. Going to eat then have to put all of the pretties away. #
- When I do something & even just one person says they (are) enjoyed/ing it, it makes a BIG HUGE DIFFERENCE in my day! Thanks, DG. #
- And thanks to you, too @I_am_Cliff ! And everyone else who responds with nice tweets, comments, FB replies, appreciative emails, etc. in reply to I_am_Cliff #
- Call me extreme, but animal cruelty should be a crime, NOT beasty – just silly in context of how we otherwise treat animals, @FSCArmy in reply to FSCArmy #
- Live it, @christianxxx1 ! in reply to christianxxx1 #
- Oops … Meant LOVE, not live hahaha @christianxxx1 in reply to christianxxx1 #
- Maybe i'll take a nap while @deliats is camming: http://t.co/kHGoefxX #
- Squeeeeeeee! (watching True Blood, She's Not There S04E01) http://t.co/cvx1ZLmE #
- My gf is back on cam after making my dinner! Such a hot wife I have: http://t.co/cXSSYUws http://t.co/F8yxtZC1 #
- In bed, window open behind my pillow-top… It's raining, and the cool freshness smells & feels SO good. #
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