- I pray that the neighbor-lady stops GROWLING & shrieking outside on this fine first morning of June. PLEASE STFU! #
- @amberlily Can you send me link(s) to your pic posting profiles you use for twitter? So I can look at/grab your camgirl snaps? #
- @amberlily Nevermind – scrolled through enough of your tweets to find one of them: http://t.co/SEUijbWL #
- Grrr . . . I see there must be some bullshit going on with twitpic. Sigh. #
- Gah! I forgot to hit PUBLISH on my camshow archive last week; sorry members – it's working now! http://t.co/HWvjCJCb #
- I used up all of my brain today but I keep trying to get it to magically do more tricks. LITTLE tricks, even. #
- A pic of my boobs at twilight & how I'm like a really helpless baby of a husband: http://t.co/LczcBGyQ #
- Mmmm…sweet sweet sex & simultaneous orgasms with @deliats. AND there's still time for a round of solitaire on my kindle before lights out! #
- In heaven, again in bed with the beautiful sounds & smells of rain through the window 6 inches from my head. #healing #nurturing #soothing #
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