- I'm a sex worker and almost forty but I'm still excited to hear first voicemail from guy friend since starting to make plans to fuck. #
- It's just totally different from talking on the phone about hosting problems, you know? That man voice might be breathing near my ear soon. #
- Why was I so quiet on twitter yesterday? Because I was glued to the computer zoned in doing webmaster work for almost eleven hours. #
- Why I'm so quiet on Twitter today: duh! Migraine from sitting nearly immobile at the computer staring at screen for 10+ hours yesterday. #
- In bed with Ray Bradbury for my nudie pic of the day: http://t.co/gDNIsGMN #
- Starting to shoot at midnight when you normally go to bed now is only made more tiring when an eyelash lodges in eye after applying makeup. #
- Guess why my feet are wet? http://t.co/Wys9HXmU #
- That was both easy & fun! #
- Great snack episode: (watching Curb Your Enthusiasm, Palestinian Chicken S08E03) http://t.co/WU9FYkKC #
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